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"Nova Idea" is a phrase in Latin that literally translates as "Ide Baru" in Indonesian. In the context of scientific journals or publications, "Nova Idea" reflects the spirit to generate new ideas, new discoveries, or new understandings in the field of science and technology. The meaning of "Nova Idea" can more broadly include the concepts of innovation, creativity, and intellectual exploration.

Nova Idea : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, published in March, July, October, and December by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, addresses topics concerning public administration, management, and policy. Articles are accepted in either Indonesian or English.

Nova Idea : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik serves as a platform for student of Prodi S1 Administrasi Publik K. Rembang to engage in discussions on social science theories and concepts related to significant political, economic, and social issues, as well as the processes of public policy formulation. All submissions undergo initial evaluation by the Editor and, if deemed suitable, proceed to a double-blind peer-review process. Template of full paper/article can be access : (

Vol 1, No 1 (2024): Juli

Gresia Rachel T, Sintiya Nurjanah, Jihan Faizah S, Loura Prasatiningtyas

| Language: ID

Adelia Putri Romadhona, Anisa Dilla Setyani, Aning Surya Febriana

| Language: ID

Ahmad Lazim, Dessalma Ayu Ningtias, Dewi Laksmi Wardani, Irma Yunita

| Language: ID

Bimo Johan Baskara, Elsa Sabrina, Ridha Dinaningtyas, Khanza Ananda Rohman

| Language: ID

Dhikka Septian Prasetya, Rahmadhani Novia Putri, Septyani Gaol, Yeremia Yudoyono

| Language: ID

Nonik Wardhani, Leviana Rochmah, Dina Maulidah, Claudia Sirait

| Language: ID

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Dr. Drs. R. Slamet Santoso
Program Studi S1 Administrasi Publik PSDKU Kampus Rembang Universitas Diponegoro

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Dr. Drs. R. Slamet Santoso