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Journal of Nutrition College (JNC) (p issn 2337-6236 e issn 2622-884X) is an accredited national journal which was published periodical that contains research articles in the field of nutrition. Journal of Nutrition College (JNC) is published 4 times a year (January, April, July, and October) by Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro.
The Journal of Nutrition College (JNC) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that focuses on nutritional science. This focus includes the scope of:
All articles submitted to this journal must follow focus and scope, and author guidelines of this journal. The submitted manuscripts must address scientific merit or novelty appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection softaware to do the similarity checking.The research article submitted to this online journal will be doble blind peer-reviewed at least 2 (two) or more expert reviewers. The reviewers will give scientific comments on the contents of the manuscript.Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to reviewers comments. Plagiarism detection of articles in this journal is carried out by using Turnitin software. The mechanism is double blind.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options:
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
The Journal of Nutrition College is a peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University. This statement clarifies the ethical of all parties involved in the act of publishing articles in this journal, including authors, editor-in-chief, editorial board, peer-reviewers and publishers. This statement is based on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
General Guidelines
1. Reported research must be conducted in an ethical and responsible, and must comply with all relevant laws.
2. Authors must present results in a clear, honest, without fabrication, falsification or manipulation of data.
3. Authors must explain their research method clearly and unequivocally so that their findings can be confirmed by others.
4. Authors must comply with the requirements of publication, the published work is original not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere.
5. Authors must be collectively responsible for submitted and published works.
6. The sources of funding and the relevant conflicts must be stated.
Responsible research publication
1. Strength and reliability
Reported research must be conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and in compliance with all relevant laws. Reported research must be carried out carefully. Researchers should use appropriate methods of analysis and data presentation (seek and follow expert advice on this subject if necessary). Authors must take collective responsibility for their publication. Researchers should check their publications carefully at every stage to ensure methods and findings are reported accurately.
2. Honesty
Researchers must present data honestly without fabricating, falsifying or manipulating data. Images should not be modified to give misleading results. Researchers must describe the methods they used and present their findings in a clear and unambiguous. Researchers must follow applicable reporting guidelines. Publications should provide sufficient detail to allow the experiment to be repeated by other researchers. The research report must be complete. The reviewer should not dismiss untoward, inconsistent or unexplained findings or results that do not support the authors 'or sponsors' hypotheses or interpretations.
Research sponsors cannot veto publication of findings that do not support their product or position. Researchers should not enter into agreements allowing research sponsors to veto or control the publication of findings (unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as research closed by the government for security reasons).
Authors should immediately notify editors if they find errors in work submitted, received or published. Authors must cooperate with editors in issuing corrections or repeal of articles, if necessary. Authors must refer to other people's work accurately in citations. Authors may not copy references from other publications if they have not read the work cited.
3. Balance
New findings must be presented in the context of previous research. The work of others must be presented fairly. Scientific review and synthesis of previous studies should be complete, balanced, and should include findings regardless of whether they support the proposed hypothesis or interpretation. Editorials or opinions that convey a single point of view or argument that must be clearly distinguished from scientific reviews. The limitations of the research must be stated in the publication.
4. Originality
Authors must follow the publication requirements that the work published is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language. Submissions may not be submitted simultaneously to more than one journal unless the editor has agreed to joint publication. If the article is published together, this should be made clear to the reader.
Applicable copyright laws and regulations must be followed. Copyright material (tables, figures or quotes) must be reproduced with appropriate permission and acknowledgment.
Relevant previous works and publications by other authors must be appropriately acknowledged and referenced. Citations should come from the original reference.
Data, text, numbers, or ideas originating from other researchers must be referenced correctly, and should not be presented as if they were the author's own. Original words taken directly from another researcher's publication must appear in quotation marks with the correct citation.
The author should inform the editor if the findings have been previously published or if multiple reports or some analyses of one dataset are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must provide copies of related publications or submitted works to other journals.
Multiple publications arising from a research project must be clearly identified and the main publication referred to. Translations and adaptations for different readers should be clearly identified. Original sources must be identified, copyright regulations must be respected. When in doubt, authors should seek permission from the original publisher prior to republishing the work.
5. Transparency
All sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial support, procurement of equipment or materials, and other support (such as statisticians or co-authors) should be identified.
Authors must disclose the role of the research funder or sponsor (if any) in the design, implementation, analysis, interpretation and reporting of the research. Authors must disclose any relevant financial and non-financial interests and relationships that may be considered likely to influence the interpretation of their findings or that the editor, reviewer or reader may want to know. This includes relationships with journals, for example if editors publish their own research in their own journals. In addition, authors must follow journal requirements and institutional requirements to declare a conflict of interest.
6. Author Contribution
Research publication authors must accurately reflect each individual's contribution to the article.
Top contributors must be listed as authors, while persons who make less substantial, or purely technical contributions, either to the study or to publication are listed in the award section (acknowledgement). The criteria as author or award (acknowledgement) must be approved from the start of the project.
Researchers must ensure that only persons who meet authorship criteria (have a substantial contribution to the research work) are rewarded with 'authorship' and that authors with worthy contributions are not anonymized. Journal agencies and editors should prevent guest, gift, and ghost authorship.
-guest authorship (guest writers) are those who do not meet the criteria as authors but are listed because of seniority, reputation or influence
-Gift authorship are those who do not meet the criteria as authors but are listed for personal support or in exchange for payment
-ghost authorship are those who meet the criteria as an author but are not listed
All authors must agree to be named and must approve the versions sent and received for publication. Changes to the list and author order must be approved by all authors, including those who have been removed from the list. The correspondence writer should act as a point of contact between the editor and other authors. He must liaise with other authors and involve them in major decisions about publication (responding to reviewer comments).
Authors may not use misleading acknowledgments / awards to imply contributions or endorsements by certain individuals who, in fact, were not involved with the work.
7. Accountability and responsibility
All authors must read and understand the articles submitted and follow the principles set out in this manual. Authors are expected to take joint responsibility for the integrity of research and reporting. However, if a particular author is responsible for only certain aspects of the research and articles, then this should be stated.
Authors work closely with editors and publishers to correct them immediately if errors or omissions are found after publication. Authors must respond appropriately to post-publication comments or published correspondence.
8. Compliance with peer review and publication regulations
Authors must follow the publisher's requirement that work is not submitted to more than one publisher at the same time. Authors should inform editors if they withdraw their article from the review, or choose not to respond to reviewer comments. Authors must respond to reviewers' comments in a professional and on time.
Authors must respect the publisher's request for a press embargo, meaning they must not allow their findings to be reported to the press if they have been accepted for publication (but not yet published). Authors and their institutions must work together to coordinate media activities (press releases and press conferences) related to publication. Press releases must accurately refer to works and must not contain statements outside of the research results.
9. Reporting who is responsible for research involving human subjects or experimental animals
Ethical eligibility approval letter and permit or other registration documents must be obtained before the research begins. Details of the letter should be provided in the article, for example the name of the ethics commission and the licensing authority.
If requested by the editor, the author must be able to show evidence of these letters, including proof of consent after the explanation of the research subject.
Researchers should not publish identifiable individual data without the specific consent of the individual (or his guardian).
Researchers must publish all possible research results that contribute to knowledge. In particular, there is an ethical responsibility to publish all clinical trial findings. Publication of failed clinical trials or results that refute the hypothesis may help prevent similar research from being repeated. If the findings from a small study that failed to achieve statistical significance are combined, it is possible to obtain a meta-analysis that is statistically significant and possibly useful.
Authors should provide research protocols to journal editors when requested (for clinical trials) so that reviewers and editors can compare the study report against the protocol to check that the study was carried out as planned and that no relevant details have been ignored. Researchers must follow the relevant clinical trial registration requirements and must include the clinical trial registration number in all publications that emerge from the trial.
(Adapted from: COPE Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for Journal Editors)
General duties and responsibilities of the editor
The editor is responsible for everything published in the journal.
This means that editors must (1) strive to meet the needs of readers and writers; (2) trying to improve the quality of journals on an ongoing basis; (3) has a process or flow to ensure the quality of published materials; (4) prioritizing freedom of expression and opinion; (5) maintaining the integrity of academic track records; (6) overriding business interests at the expense of intellectual and ethical standards; (7) willing to issue corrections, clarifications, retractions (withdrawals) and apologies when needed
1. Relationship with readers
Readers should be informed about who is funding a research or other scientific work and what role the funder has in that research and publication
2. Relationship with the author
The editor's decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication must be based on the importance of the article, its originality and clarity, as well as the validity of the research and the relevance of the manuscript.
The editor does not overrule the decision to accept the manuscript unless a serious problem is identified during submission. The editor may not cancel the decision to publish the manuscript that has been made by the previous editor, unless a serious problem is identified.
A description of the peer review process (peer review) should be published, and editors must be held accountable for any deviations from the outlined process. Journal administrators must have a mechanism that allows authors to appeal editorial decisions. Editors must publish script writing guidelines for authors. Guidelines must be updated regularly and must refer to this code of conduct.
3. Relationships with sustainable partners (reviewers)
Editors must provide task guidance for peer reviewers, including guidelines for submitting the review results on a confidential basis. Editors should ask peer reviewers to disclose potential conflicts of interest before reviewing the manuscript. The editor must have a system to ensure that the identity of the peer reviewers is kept confidential.
4. Relationships with members of the editorial board
Editors must provide assignment guidelines for editorial board members
5. Relationships with journal owners and publishers
The editor's relationship with the publisher and / or owner must be based on the principle of editorial independence.
Editors make decisions regarding the publication of articles based on the quality and suitability of the journal without interference from the journal owner.
6. Editorial and peer review process
The editor ensures that the peer review process is fair, unbiased and timely. Editors must have a system to ensure that manuscripts submitted to journals remain confidential while in the review process.
Editors must ensure the quality of published material
7. Maintain individual data confidentiality
Editors must comply with the laws on confidentiality in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. They must always protect the confidentiality of individual information obtained during research or professional interactions.
8. Encouraging compliance with medical and health research ethics for research involving humans or experimental animals
Editors must ensure that published research conforms to internationally recognized ethical guidelines for medical and health research.
9. Matters relating to suspected violations
Editors have a duty to act if they suspect an ethical violation. This assignment applies to both published and unpublished articles. Editors should not only reject articles that are suspected of committing violations. Ethically, the editor is obliged to investigate further.
10. Maintain the integrity of academic track records
Statements that are false, misleading or inaccurate must be corrected with the utmost care.
Editors must follow COPE's retraction guideline
11. Intellectual property rights
Editors should be aware of intellectual property rights issues.
12. Support the discussion process
Editors encourage and are willing to consider criticism of a work published in a journal. Authors of criticized articles should be given the opportunity to respond. Editors must allow the publication of research with negative results.
13. Conflict of interest
Editors must have a conflict of interest management system in place for themselves as well as for staff, authors, peer reviewers and editorial board members.
(Adapted from: COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers)
Peer-Reviewers must :
is a plagiarism detection system application. This application is used to detect the similarity of word use between the source document and the comparison document
Author should first register as Author and is offered as Reviewer through the following address: https://ejournal3.undip.ac.id/index.php/jnc/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
The author should fulfill the form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered. After all form textbox was filled, Author clicks on “Register” button to proceed the registration. Therefore, Author is brought to online author submission interface where Author should click on “New Submission”. In the Start a New Submission section, click on “’Click Here’: to go to step one of the five-step submission process”. The following are five steps in online submission process:
After this submission, Authors who submit the manuscript will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, Authors are able to track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes a status of manuscript review and editorial process.
Journal of Nutrition College (P-ISSN : 2337-6236; E-ISSN : 2622-884X) indexed by:
Journal of Nutrtion College (p issn 2337-6236 e issn 2622-884X) uses The Indonesian Publication Index (IPI)/Portal Garuda for digital archieving
Paper submitted after 26 January 2024 will be charged IDR. 750.000,-. upon acceptance.
Articles submitted in Journal Nutrition College starting February 10, 2025. The APC for Journal of Nutrition College is divided into two parts. After the editor makes their first decision and your article is forwarded to the review process, you will need to pay IDR 500.000. Please do not make any payment before first decision review from editor. Then, when your article is accepted, you will need to pay IDR 250,000. Please note that all transfers to the JNC Virtual Account Number are non-refundable.
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