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Nutrition Science Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Received: 5 Oct 2023; Revised: 3 Sep 2024; Accepted: 10 Sep 2024; Available online: 22 Oct 2024; Published: 22 Oct 2024.

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Background: The prevalence of obesity continues to rise steadily due to various factors. The demanding academic schedules leads to reduced physical activities among female students. Academic stress may induce emotional instability, which may result in emotional eating. Excessive food intake may ultimately contribute to the development of obesity.

Objectives: This study aims to analyse factors contributing to obesity in female students, such as physical activity, emotional eating, eating pattern, and genetic traits.

Methods: Employing a cross-sectional research design, was conducted at Jenderal Sudirman University in October 2022. A sample comprising 54 female students was selected through a stratified random sampling technique. Research instruments were International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF) to assess physical activity levels, the Emotional Eating Scale (SSES) to gauge emotional eating tendencies, the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to evaluate dietary patterns, and a genetic questionnaire to ascertain genetic antecedents. The bivariate analysis between variables were conducted using Chi-Square test.

Results: There is a statistically significant correlation between emotional eating behaviors and the prevalence of obesity (p=0.028). Furthermore, a statistically significant association is observed between genetic factors and the incidence of obesity (p=0.000). In contrast, no statistically significant relationships are discerned between obesity and physical activity (p=0.386), high-energy dietary patterns (p=0.268), or low-energy dietary patterns (p=0.102).

Conclusion: This investigation substantiates the presence of a relationship between emotional eating tendencies and genetic factors with the manifestation of obesity among the studied population. Conversely, no discernible relationships were identified between physical activity, dietary patterns, and obesity. These findings underscore the multifaceted nature of obesity etiology and highlight the prominence of emotional and genetic influences in this context.

Keywords: Eating pattern; Emotional Eating; Genetic, Obesity; Physical Activity 

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Keywords: Eating pattern; Emotional Eating; Genetic, Obesity; Physical Activity

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