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The Art of Anti-Snake Venom Administration in Snakebite Grade III Following Viper Snakebite in Developing Country: A Case Report

*Hapsari Kinanti orcid scopus  -  Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Indonesia
Agung Kusumanegara  -  Department of Surgery, Ibnu Sina General Hospital, Gresik, Indonesia, Indonesia

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Snakebite remains a prior Neglected Tropical Disease in the World, especially in South-East Asia. There were many diversities in the management of snake bites based on the different levels of clinician experience. Anti-snake venom remains the mainstay treatment in venomous snakebites, meanwhile, the distribution of anti-snake venom is very sparse. Snakebite is time-limited and could be a life-threatening event. This case report described a delayed anti-snake venom administration in snakebite grade III following a viper snake bite. Tight observation including clinical manifestation and laboratory tests is the foremost thing to do in managing snakebite, due to its unpredictable clinical manifestation. Anti-snake venom dosage must be decided based on the progress of clinical manifestation and laboratory results. 

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Keywords: Antivenom; Case report; Hematotoxin; Snakebite; Viper snake

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