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STUNTING DAN ASUPAN PROTEIN BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN FUNGSI KOGNITIF BALITA | Ariani | Journal of Nutrition College skip to main content


Departemen Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 18 Jun 2021; Published: 9 Dec 2021.

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Background: Stunting and nutrients intake are the most important environmental factors for optimizing the cognitive function of toddler and closely related to the quality of life in the future. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between stunting, nutrients intake, and cognitive function of toddler.

Methods: Cross sectional study design with purposive sampling technique. Total sample was 42 toddlers aged 36-60 months. Data was collected by interview, anthropometric measurements, and SQ-FFQ. Cognitive function was measured by toddlers development questionnaire reffering to Permendiknas No. 137 of 2014 about national standard for toddler. Data was analyzed by Chi Square, Fisher’s Exact, and multiple logistic regression test.

Results: 23.8% of toddlers were stunted and 21.4% were wasted. Adequate intake of toddlers include: magnesium (83.3%), protein (73.8%), and zinc (76.2%). Poor intake of toddlers was iodine (97.6%). The prevalence of poor cognitive function level was 57.1%. There were relationship between stunting (p = 0.044; OR = 10.575) and protein intake (p = 0.016; OR = 15.738) with cognitive function of toddler, which protein intake was the most dominant variable. Wasting, magnesium, and zinc intake were not associated with cognitive function of toddler.

Conclution: Stunting and protein intake were related to cognitive function of toddler. Protein intake was the most dominant variable. There was no relationship between wasting, magnesium, and zinc intake with cognitive function of toddler.

Keywords: Stunting; Protein intake; Toddler; Cognitive function

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