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Factors Associated with The Choice of Place of Delivery in Coastal Communities in The Working Area of Bonegunu Community Health Center North Buton District | Hamsah | Jurnal Kedokteran Diponegoro (Diponegoro Medical Journal) skip to main content

Factors Associated with The Choice of Place of Delivery in Coastal Communities in The Working Area of Bonegunu Community Health Center North Buton District

*Sitti Al Aaliatin Hamsah  -  North Buton District Health Service, Indonesia, Indonesia
Juminten Saimin  -  Postgraduate Public Health Department, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia, Indonesia
Asnia Zainuddin  -  Postgraduate Public Health Department, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia, Indonesia

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Background: Delivery assistance by health workers in North Buton District in 2022 was still very low at 89.7% and delivery at non-health facilities was 10.3%. At Puskesmas Bonegunu, the coverage of delivery at health facilities was 61.4%, and delivery at non-health facilities was 38.6%. Purpose: To analyze the factors related to the choice of place of delivery in North Buton Regency. Methods: A cross-sectional study design among 127 respondents. The research sample was taken by using total sampling technique. The research data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression tests. Results: test of the relationship between access and the choice of place of delivery obtained values (p = 0.000), socio-cultural (p = 0.002), family support (p = 0.010), knowledge (p = 0.028), and income (p = 0.000). Conclusion: access, socio-culture, family support, knowledge, and income are related to the choice of place of delivery in the coastal community in the working area of the Bonegunu Health Center 

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Keywords: choice of place of delivery; access; culture; family support; knowledge; income

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