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Gerakan Komik Indie Indonesia, 1994-2001 | Oktafian | Historiografi skip to main content

Gerakan Komik Indie Indonesia, 1994-2001

*Ravi Oktafian  -  Departemen Sejarah, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Mahendra Pudji Utama  -  Departemen Sejarah, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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The decline of the existence of the Indonesian comic in the early 1990s led many people to plan the resurgence of the Indonesian comic. During these difficult times, there was a group of young people who were concerned about the Indonesian comics, while also concerned with the socio-political conditions that were getting worse under the New Order government. Started in 1994, the indie comic movement emerged, which was pioneered by young comic artists who worked individually or in groups in the comic community. They published the comics independently by using photocopying technology to increase the production. Indie comic artists took advantage of various existing events, such as the comic market, PKN UI, and PKAN. In 1998, they were actively involved in the reformation agenda by made comics with the theme of freedom. These comics contain satire, which came to be called the underground comics. After the reformation, the underground indie comic movement was even more dared to come up with comics contained criticism of formal activities. Although the number of productions is still below than foreign comics, indie comics became the foundation of the existence of Indonesian comics until the early 2000s.
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