BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IO8341, author = {Marlia Diani and Sri Herieningsih and Turnomo Rahardjo and Agus Naryoso}, title = {INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP IN TA’ARUF COUPLE}, journal = {Interaksi Online}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ta’aruf, information, relationship development}, abstract = { Marriage is something coveted in every relation. There are some ways of introducing to a couple before the wedding. Ta’aruf couples through their introducing and also developing of their relationship in a very short. So they didn’t know each other in a specific things. Communication between ta’aruf couples also must go by a mediator. It causes for the distortions messages in their communication. Besides information about the couple obtained from the process of ta’aruf is also limited because of the intercommunication limits that must be obeyed restrictions in accordance with islamic syariah. The purpose of this research is to find the experience of the ta’aruf couples in undergo the process at the communication time and knowing that occur in pairs of closeness in relationships or intimate relationship. The used theories are Penetration Social Theory by Irwin Altman Damask and Taylor and the Dialectics Relational Theory by Baxter and Montgomery. To describe in detail to the development of intimate relationship in the ta’aruf couples. This research is using qualitative methodology with the approach phenomenology. Subject in this research is the newly married ta’aruf couples, with two or three months of married using ta’aruf process. Based on the results, ta’aruf became a means to know each other and get information from each other to minimize uncertainty information between one another. The ta’aruf couples began to minimize the uncertainly general information of themselves by exchange their curriculum vitae who mediated by a mediator. Trust, self disclosure, and responsibilities are becoming a key in relations developing for a familiar intercourse between ta’aruf couples. In facing a conflict, a ta’aruf couple like to discussing with a mediator to the conflict that appears. So it would not be a failed factor in ta’aruf process. }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Marriage is something coveted in every relation. There are some ways of introducing to acouple before the wedding. Ta’aruf couples through their introducing and also developing oftheir relationship in a very short. So they didn’t know each other in a specific things.Communication between ta’aruf couples also must go by a mediator. It causes for thedistortions messages in their communication. Besides information about the couple obtainedfrom the process of ta’aruf is also limited because of the intercommunication limits that mustbe obeyed restrictions in accordance with islamic syariah.The purpose of this research is to find the experience of the ta’aruf couples in undergothe process at the communication time and knowing that occur in pairs of closeness inrelationships or intimate relationship. The used theories are Penetration Social Theory byIrwin Altman Damask and Taylor and the Dialectics Relational Theory by Baxter andMontgomery. To describe in detail to the development of intimate relationship in the ta’arufcouples. This research is using qualitative methodology with the approach phenomenology.Subject in this research is the newly married ta’aruf couples, with two or three months ofmarried using ta’aruf process.Based on the results, ta’aruf became a means to know each other and get informationfrom each other to minimize uncertainty information between one another. The ta’arufcouples began to minimize the uncertainly general information of themselves by exchangetheir curriculum vitae who mediated by a mediator.Trust, self disclosure, and responsibilities are becoming a key in relations developingfor a familiar intercourse between ta’aruf couples. In facing a conflict, a ta’aruf couple like todiscussing with a mediator to the conflict that appears. So it would not be a failed factor inta’aruf process.
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Interaksi Online, is published by Undergraduate Program of Communication Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Jln. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275; Telp. (024) 7460056, Fax: (024)7460055
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