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*Abdurrobi Hanifa  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Nia Budi Puspitasari  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Rani Rumita  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang  industri manufaktur alat –alat listrik dan lampu hemat energi. Saat perusahaan belum memiliki metode yang tepat untuk mengukur keefektifan mesin pada  proses produksi transformer sehingga proses produksi menjadi tidak maksimal dan berdampak pada tidak tercapainya target produksi perusahaan serta perlu mengidentifikasi terhadap faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keefektifan mesin dan analisis terhadap aktivitas maintenance yang dapat menjadi  bahan  masukan  untuk  penerapan TPM bagi  perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas peralatan total pada proses produksi transformer, menentukan faktor – faktor  apa saja yang  menyebabkan   nilai  Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)  rendah dengan mengidentifikasi kerugian / losses yang terjadi Memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk penerapan TPM. Hasil perhitungan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)  mesin winding periode Juli 2012 – Juni 2013 memiliki nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) berkisar dari 74,80% -  81,19% yang dimana nilai ini masih dibawah standar nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) world class yaitu sebesar 85% dan hasil perhitungan six big losses didapat reduced speed loss 42,50%, breakdown loss 21,90%, setup and adjustment 20,20%, quality defect loss 8,67%, dan idle and minor stoppage loss 6,73%. Dengan  menghitung  tingkat  keefektifan peralatan menggunakan metode Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) yang dengan formula perhitungannya yaitu Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) perusahaan menjadi mengetahui apakah mesin sudah bekerja secara efektif apa belum dan dengan menggunakan metode Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)  dan diharapkan dapat  meningkatkan efektivitas peralatan  yang  dapat mengeliminasi kerugian- kerugian besar bagi perusahaan yang lebih dikenal dengan six Big losses, sehingga semakin mendekati tujuan utama TPM yaitu zero breakdown.




PT. Nikkatsu Electric Works is a company of manufactures that the product is an electrical equipment and energy saving lamps. At the company  there is no exact methode to measure the effectiveness of the machines on the production process of transformers, it’s make the production process not optimal and impact on not achieving the target production company and need to identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of the machine and analysis of maintenance activities that can be input to the implementation of the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)  for the company. The purpose of this research to measure the level of effectiveness of the total equipment in the production process of transformers, determine factors which is causing the value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is low by identifying damages / losses that occur and give proposed improvement  for the implementation of TPM. The result  calculation of  Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) for winding machine period July 2012 - June 2013 had a value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) ranged from ,80% -  81,19% that is where the value is still below the standard value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) world class 85 % and the six big losses calculation results obtained : reduced speed loss 42,50%, breakdown loss 21,90%, setup and adjustment 20,20%, quality defect loss 8,67%, idle and minor stoppage loss 6,73%. With calculating the effectiveness of the equipment using the Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM ) which is the calculation formula is Overall Equipment Effectiveness ( OEE ) the company will know if the machine has working effectively  or not with Total Productive Maintenance ( TPM ) and be expectedy to increase the effectiveness of equipment that can eliminate large losses for the company, that called as Six Big losses , so it’s make getting closer to the main goal of TPM that is zero breakdown .

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Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM); Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE); Six Big Losses; Mesin Winding.

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