BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IEOJ49012, author = {Muhammad Naufal Razan and Manik Mahachandra}, title = {EVALUASI NILAI OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS (OEE) UNTUK MEMINIMALISASI SIX BIG LOSSES PADA MESIN UNSCRAMBLE DI PT PERTAMINA LUBRICANTS}, journal = {Industrial Engineering Online Journal}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, year = {2025}, keywords = {TPM (Total Productive Maintenance); OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness); Six Big Losses}, abstract = { Abstrak PT Pertamina Lubricants merupakan sebuah perusahan yang bergerak di bidang migas yang memproduksi pelumas dalam berbagai macam jenis dan kemasan yang meliputi kemasan lithos, drum, dan bulk (curah). Kegiatan produksi pada PT Pertamina Lubricants sudah menggunakan hampir 100% mesin yang bekerja secara otomatis. Dalam memaksimalkan sistem produksi, perusahaan harus memperhatikan mesin-mesin yang digunakan dalam kegiatan produksi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat efektivitas dari mesin unscramble pada filling line 1 (FL-1) produksi pelumas kemasan lithos dengan menghitung nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) mesin tersebut. Hasil evaluasi nilai OEE kemudian digunakan untuk meminimalisasi Six Big Losses. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diperoleh dua penyebab losses terbesar yaitu reduce speed losses dengan tingkat losses sebesar 36,78% dan idling and minor stoppage losses dengan tingkat losses sebesar 15,77%. Langkah perbaikan yang diusulkan yaitu perusahaan dapat menerapkan konsep preventive maintenance atau autonomous maintenance, menjadwalkan pengecekan rutin mesin, membuat standar pengaturan mesin unscramble, mengevaluasi dan mendesain ulang sistem HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) pada gedung produksi, khusunya terhadap penggunaan exhaust fan pada gedung produksi, menambahkan alat bantu komunikasi untuk para operator, dan melakukan evaluasi rutin terhadap material-material yang cacat (defect) dan meneruskan informasinya ke pihak vendor yang bersangkutan. Kata kunci: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance); OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness); Six Big Losses Abstract [Title: Evaluation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Value to Minimize Six Big Losses on Unscramble Machine at PT Pertamina Lubricants] PT Pertamina Lubricants is a company engaged in the oil and gas sector that produces lubricants in various types and packaging, including lithos packaging, drums, and bulk. The production activities at PT Pertamina Lubricants already use nearly 100% of automated machines. In order to maximize the production system, the company needs to pay attention to the machines used in these production activities. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness level of the unscramble machine in filling line 1 (FL-1) for lithos packaging lubricant production by calculating the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) value of the machine. The results of the OEE evaluation are then used to minimize the Six Big Losses. Based on the calculation results, two major causes of losses were identified, namely reduce speed losses with a loss rate of 36.78% and idling and minor stoppage losses with a loss rate of 15.77%. Proposed improvement measures include implementing preventive maintenance or autonomous maintenance concepts, scheduling regular machine inspections, establishing standard settings for the unscramble machine, evaluating and redesigning the HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system in the production building, particularly regarding the use of exhaust fans in the production building, adding communication tools for operators, and conducting routine evaluations of defective materials and forwarding the information to the respective vendors. Keywords: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance); OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness); Six Big Losses }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
PT Pertamina Lubricants merupakan sebuah perusahan yang bergerak di bidang migas yang memproduksi pelumas dalam berbagai macam jenis dan kemasan yang meliputi kemasan lithos, drum, dan bulk (curah). Kegiatan produksi pada PT Pertamina Lubricants sudah menggunakan hampir 100% mesin yang bekerja secara otomatis. Dalam memaksimalkan sistem produksi, perusahaan harus memperhatikan mesin-mesin yang digunakan dalam kegiatan produksi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat efektivitas dari mesin unscramble pada filling line 1 (FL-1) produksi pelumas kemasan lithos dengan menghitung nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) mesin tersebut. Hasil evaluasi nilai OEE kemudian digunakan untuk meminimalisasi Six Big Losses. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, diperoleh dua penyebab losses terbesar yaitu reduce speed losses dengan tingkat losses sebesar 36,78% dan idling and minor stoppage losses dengan tingkat losses sebesar 15,77%. Langkah perbaikan yang diusulkan yaitu perusahaan dapat menerapkan konsep preventive maintenance atau autonomous maintenance, menjadwalkan pengecekan rutin mesin, membuat standar pengaturan mesin unscramble, mengevaluasi dan mendesain ulang sistem HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) pada gedung produksi, khusunya terhadap penggunaan exhaust fan pada gedung produksi, menambahkan alat bantu komunikasi untuk para operator, dan melakukan evaluasi rutin terhadap material-material yang cacat (defect) dan meneruskan informasinya ke pihak vendor yang bersangkutan.
Kata kunci: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance); OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness); Six Big Losses
[Title: Evaluation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Value to Minimize Six Big Losses on Unscramble Machine at PT Pertamina Lubricants] PT Pertamina Lubricants is a company engaged in the oil and gas sector that produces lubricants in various types and packaging, including lithos packaging, drums, and bulk. The production activities at PT Pertamina Lubricants already use nearly 100% of automated machines. In order to maximize the production system, the company needs to pay attention to the machines used in these production activities. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness level of the unscramble machine in filling line 1 (FL-1) for lithos packaging lubricant production by calculating the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) value of the machine. The results of the OEE evaluation are then used to minimize the Six Big Losses. Based on the calculation results, two major causes of losses were identified, namely reduce speed losses with a loss rate of 36.78% and idling and minor stoppage losses with a loss rate of 15.77%. Proposed improvement measures include implementing preventive maintenance or autonomous maintenance concepts, scheduling regular machine inspections, establishing standard settings for the unscramble machine, evaluating and redesigning the HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system in the production building, particularly regarding the use of exhaust fans in the production building, adding communication tools for operators, and conducting routine evaluations of defective materials and forwarding the information to the respective vendors.
Keywords: TPM (Total Productive Maintenance); OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness); Six Big Losses
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