BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IEOJ45206, author = {Novia Kholida Rahma and Yusuf Widharto}, title = {ANALISIS PENJADWALAN MAINTENANCE DENGAN METODE KORELASI DAN REGRESI LINIER BERGANDA (STUDI KASUS : DIVISI FARMASI 3 PT KONIMEX)}, journal = {Industrial Engineering Online Journal}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Delay, Correlation, Maintenance Scheduling, Multiple Linear Regression}, abstract = { Abstrak Sistem penjadwalan maintenance merupakan syarat umum dalam mendukung aktivitas produksi, khususnya di PT Konimex. Divisi Farmasi 3 PT Konimex sedang melakukan uji coba terkait desain sistem penjadwalan maintenance tetapi selama keberjalannya masih ditemukan kendala yaitu keterlambatan penjadwalan yang dilakukan oleh supervisor lini produksi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interval deadline sejak work order diterima, jarak respon supervisor dari work order, dan jarak respon dari deadline terhadap hari penjadwalan maintenance mesin, mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab tidak efektifnya sistem saat ini, dan memberikan usulan kepada perusahaan untuk menentukan kebijakan lebih lanjut dalam pelaksanaan maintenance sehingga tidak ada perawatan mesin yang dijadwalkan melebihi deadline yang sudah ditetapkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah korelasi dan regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan data historis sistem penjadwalan maintenance sejak Juni 2020 hingga Januari 2023. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkan bahwa variabel independent mempengaruhi variabel dependent sebesar 32,3% dan 67,7% masalah keterlambatan penjadwalan disebabkan oleh faktor - faktor lain diluar sistem yang diidentifiksi dan dianalisis menggunakan diagram sebab akibat (fishbone diagram) meliputi aspek man, machine, dan method. Kata kunci: Keterlambatan, Korelasi, Penjadwalan Maintenance, Regresi Linier Berganda Abstract Maintenance scheduling system is a common requirement in supporting production activities, especially at PT Konimex. PT Konimex's Pharmacy Division 3 is conducting trials related to the design of the maintenance scheduling system, but during its operation, there are still obstacles, namely scheduling delays carried out by production line supervisors. The study aims to determine the effect of the deadline interval since the work order is received, the distance of the supervisor's response from the work order, and the distance of response from the deadline to the day of scheduling machine maintenance, find out the factors causing the ineffectiveness of the current system, and provide suggestions to the company to determine further policies in the implementation of maintenance so that no machine maintenance is scheduled beyond the deadline that has been set. The method used is correlation and multiple linear regression using historical data of maintenance scheduling systems from June 2020 to January 2023. Based on the results of data processing, it was found that the independent variable influenced the dependent variable by 32.3% and 67.7% of scheduling delay problems were caused by other factors outside the system that were identified and analyzed using a fishbone diagram including aspects of man, machine, and method. Keywords: Delay, Correlation, Maintenance Scheduling, Multiple Linear Regression }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Sistem penjadwalan maintenance merupakan syarat umum dalam mendukung aktivitas produksi,khususnya di PT Konimex. Divisi Farmasi 3 PT Konimex sedang melakukan uji coba terkait desainsistem penjadwalan maintenance tetapi selama keberjalannya masih ditemukan kendala yaituketerlambatan penjadwalan yang dilakukan oleh supervisor lini produksi. Penelitian bertujuan untukmengetahui pengaruh interval deadline sejak work order diterima, jarak respon supervisor dari workorder, dan jarak respon dari deadline terhadap hari penjadwalan maintenance mesin, mengetahuifaktor-faktor penyebab tidak efektifnya sistem saat ini, dan memberikan usulan kepada perusahaanuntuk menentukan kebijakan lebih lanjut dalam pelaksanaan maintenance sehingga tidak adaperawatan mesin yang dijadwalkan melebihi deadline yang sudah ditetapkan. Metode yang digunakanadalah korelasi dan regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan data historis sistem penjadwalanmaintenance sejak Juni 2020 hingga Januari 2023. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkanbahwa variabel independent mempengaruhi variabel dependent sebesar 32,3% dan 67,7% masalahketerlambatan penjadwalan disebabkan oleh faktor - faktor lain diluar sistem yang diidentifiksi dandianalisis menggunakan diagram sebab akibat (fishbone diagram) meliputi aspek man, machine, danmethod.
Kata kunci: Keterlambatan, Korelasi, Penjadwalan Maintenance, Regresi Linier Berganda
Maintenance scheduling system is a common requirement in supporting production activities, especiallyat PT Konimex. PT Konimex's Pharmacy Division 3 is conducting trials related to the design of themaintenance scheduling system, but during its operation, there are still obstacles, namely schedulingdelays carried out by production line supervisors. The study aims to determine the effect of the deadlineinterval since the work order is received, the distance of the supervisor's response from the work order,and the distance of response from the deadline to the day of scheduling machine maintenance, find outthe factors causing the ineffectiveness of the current system, and provide suggestions to the company todetermine further policies in the implementation of maintenance so that no machine maintenance isscheduled beyond the deadline that has been set. The method used is correlation and multiple linearregression using historical data of maintenance scheduling systems from June 2020 to January 2023.Based on the results of data processing, it was found that the independent variable influenced thedependent variable by 32.3% and 67.7% of scheduling delay problems were caused by other factorsoutside the system that were identified and analyzed using a fishbone diagram including aspects of man,machine, and method.
Keywords: Delay, Correlation, Maintenance Scheduling, Multiple Linear Regression
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