BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IEOJ44896, author = {Muhammad Wafi Febriansyah and Purnawan Adi Wicaksono}, title = {ANALISIS DAN UPAYA PENURUNAN LOSSES MATERIAL INDUCTION SEAL & SECURITY FEATURE DRUM MENGGUNAKAN METODE ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS DAN DMAIC}, journal = {Industrial Engineering Online Journal}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Procurement Flow, DMAIC, Losses Material, RCA, Supply Chain, Warehouse}, abstract = { Abstrak PT Pertamina Lubricants merupakan salah satu perusahaan pelumas terbesar di indonesia. Pada praktiknya, diketahui bahwa terdapat masalah dalam pengadaan material, yaitu berupa losses material yang diketahui terdapat 7 kelompok material yang menghasilkan losses. Terutama berdasarkan pada diagram pareto yang telah dibuat, maka ditemukan jenis losses tertinggi adalah Induction Seal & Security Feature Drum dengan total losses mencapai 299.599.449 rupiah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan analisis dan evaluasi yang mendalam terkait akar permasalahan pengadaan material tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi dugaan sementara permasalahan yang terjadi, dikarenakan alur pengadaan material yang belum efisien serta memberi usulan perbaikan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dilakukan analisis menggunakan metode DMAIC dan RCA untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab masalah dan membantu membuat perbaikan bertahap serta optimalisasi produk, desain, dan proses bisnis. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkan bahwa permasalahan utama terjadinya losses yaitu dikarenakan proses pengadaan yang masih kurang efisien sehingga dilakukan evaluasi serta perubahan alur proses pengadaan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Pada perubahan ini juga telah dilakukan perhitungan perbandingan biaya yang dibutuhkan ketika menggunakan alur proses pengadaan sebelumnya sebesar 854.473.070 rupiah untuk 9.257.704 buah, sedangkan dengan alur proses pengadaan sesuai rekomendasi perbaikan hanya membutuhkan 692.013.374 rupiah untuk 9.257.704. Terjadi pengematan sebesar 153.459.696 atau sekitar 18%. Kata kunci: Alur Pengadaan, DMAIC, Losses Material, RCA, Supply Chain, Warehouse PT Pertamina Lubricants is one of the largest lubricant companies in Indonesia. In practice, it is known that there are problems in material procurement, namely in the form of material losses which are known to have 7 material groups that produce losses. Mainly based on the pareto diagram that has been made, it is found that the highest type of losses is Induction Seal & Security Feature Drum with total losses reaching 299,599,449 rupiah. Therefore, an in-depth analysis and evaluation is needed regarding the root causes of the procurement of these materials. This study aims to validate the temporary allegations of problems that occur, due to the inefficient flow of material procurement and to provide suggestions for improvements. Based on these problems, an analysis was carried out using the DMAIC and RCA methods to identify the root causes of the problem and help make gradual improvements and optimize products, designs and business processes. Based on the results of data processing, it was found that the main problem with losses was that the procurement process was still inefficient, so evaluation and changes to the flow of the procurement process were carried out to make it more effective and efficient. This change has also made a comparative calculation of the costs required when using the previous procurement process flow of 854.473.070 rupiah for 9.257.704 pieces, whereas with the procurement process flow according to recommendations for improvements it only requires 692.013.374 rupiah for 9.257.704. There was an increase of 153.459.696 or around 18%. Keyword: Procurement Flow, DMAIC, Losses Material, RCA, Supply Chain, Warehouse }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
PT Pertamina Lubricants merupakan salah satu perusahaan pelumas terbesar di indonesia. Pada praktiknya,diketahui bahwa terdapat masalah dalam pengadaan material, yaitu berupa losses material yang diketahuiterdapat 7 kelompok material yang menghasilkan losses. Terutama berdasarkan pada diagram pareto yangtelah dibuat, maka ditemukan jenis losses tertinggi adalah Induction Seal & Security Feature Drum dengantotal losses mencapai 299.599.449 rupiah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan analisis dan evaluasi yangmendalam terkait akar permasalahan pengadaan material tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmemvalidasi dugaan sementara permasalahan yang terjadi, dikarenakan alur pengadaan material yangbelum efisien serta memberi usulan perbaikan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dilakukananalisis menggunakan metode DMAIC dan RCA untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab masalah danmembantu membuat perbaikan bertahap serta optimalisasi produk, desain, dan proses bisnis. Berdasarkanhasil pengolahan data didapatkan bahwa permasalahan utama terjadinya losses yaitu dikarenakan prosespengadaan yang masih kurang efisien sehingga dilakukan evaluasi serta perubahan alur proses pengadaanmenjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Pada perubahan ini juga telah dilakukan perhitungan perbandingan biayayang dibutuhkan ketika menggunakan alur proses pengadaan sebelumnya sebesar 854.473.070 rupiahuntuk 9.257.704 buah, sedangkan dengan alur proses pengadaan sesuai rekomendasi perbaikan hanyamembutuhkan 692.013.374 rupiah untuk 9.257.704. Terjadi pengematan sebesar 153.459.696 atau sekitar18%.
Kata kunci: Alur Pengadaan, DMAIC, Losses Material, RCA, Supply Chain, Warehouse
PT Pertamina Lubricants is one of the largest lubricant companies in Indonesia. In practice, it is known that thereare problems in material procurement, namely in the form of material losses which are known to have 7 materialgroups that produce losses. Mainly based on the pareto diagram that has been made, it is found that the highesttype of losses is Induction Seal & Security Feature Drum with total losses reaching 299,599,449 rupiah.Therefore, an in-depth analysis and evaluation is needed regarding the root causes of the procurement of thesematerials. This study aims to validate the temporary allegations of problems that occur, due to the inefficient flowof material procurement and to provide suggestions for improvements. Based on these problems, an analysis wascarried out using the DMAIC and RCA methods to identify the root causes of the problem and help make gradualimprovements and optimize products, designs and business processes. Based on the results of data processing, itwas found that the main problem with losses was that the procurement process was still inefficient, so evaluationand changes to the flow of the procurement process were carried out to make it more effective and efficient. Thischange has also made a comparative calculation of the costs required when using the previous procurementprocess flow of 854.473.070 rupiah for 9.257.704 pieces, whereas with the procurement process flow accordingto recommendations for improvements it only requires 692.013.374 rupiah for 9.257.704. There was an increaseof 153.459.696 or around 18%.
Keyword: Procurement Flow, DMAIC, Losses Material, RCA, Supply Chain, Warehouse
Last update:
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