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*Jehezkiel Lolo Sataki Berutu  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia
Rani Rumita  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

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Logistics Service Providers merupakan salah satu model bisnis perusahaan pihak ketiga (third party) yang melayani kebutuhan customer terhadap jasa transportasi logistik. Customer pengguna jasa pada saat ini memberikan perhatian lebih terhadap kuaitas jasa yang mereka terima. PT X merupakan salah satu perusahaan jasa transportasi logistik darat. PT X dan peneliti bekerjasama untuk melakukan evaluasi kualitas layanan logistik. PT X selama ini mengalami kendala terkait target kualitas layanan logistik, secara kumulatif dari Januari 2022 hingga April 2022 dari 100% total tour, hanya 14% yang berhasil tepat waktu. Tidak menutup kemungkinan terdapat target lainnya yang belum berkualitas menurut customer. Evaluasi logistics service quality yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dikembangkan oleh peneliti pendahulu yaitu Vinh V Thai dengan 5 Dimensi dan 20 Atribut yang valid digunakan. Evaluasi menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan tools kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 40 customer PT X yang telah memenuhi kriteria purposive sampling. Melalu Importance Performance Analysis didapatkan 7 atribut yang masih berkualitas rendah untuk dilanjutkan kepada metode selanjutnya yaitu Quality Improvement Matrix. Tools Quality Improvement Matrix memiliki 2 tahap. Tahapan pertama, QIM 1 bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab masalah dari atribut yang berkualitas rendah menurut customer hasil dari kuesioner logistics service quality yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kualitas jasa. Melalui perhitungan pada matriks QIM 1 didapatkan 15 penyebab masalah yang paling berpengaruh. Tahapan kedua, QIM 2 bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sebuah set strategi dari langkah perbaikan yang menjadi prioritas bagi perusahaan untuk menangani penyebab masalah. Melalui tahapan ini didapatkan 11 usulan perbaikan sebagai set strategi perbaikan kualitas yang dapat digunakan oleh PT X secara berurutan..

Kata kunci: Jasa Transportasi Logistik, Evaluasi Kualitas, Perbaikan Kualitas, Logistics Service Quality, Imprtance Performance Analysis, Quality Improvement Matrix.


Logistics Service Providers is one of the business models of third party companies that serve customer needs for logistics transportation services. Service user customers at this time pay more attention to the quality of the services they receive. PT X is one of the land logistics transportation service companies. PT X and researchers work together to evaluate the quality of logistics services. PT X has been experiencing problems related to logistics service quality targets, cumulatively from January 2022 to April 2022 from 100% of the total tours, only 14% have made it on time. It is possible that there are other targets that have not been qualified according to the customer. The logistics service quality evaluation used in this study was developed by the previous researcher, Vinh V Thai, with 5 dimensions and 20 valid attributes used. The evaluation uses a quantitative descriptive method with questionnaire tools distributed to 40 PT X customers who have met the purposive sampling criteria. Through Importance Performance Analysis, 7 attributes are obtained that are still of low quality to be continued to the next method, namely the Quality Improvement Matrix. Quality Improvement Matrix tools have 2 stages. The first stage, QIM 1 aims to identify the causes of problems from low-quality attributes according to customer results from the logistics service quality questionnaire that most affect service quality. Through calculations on the QIM 1 matrix, 15 causes of the most influential problems were obtained. The second stage, QIM 2 aims to get a strategic set of improvement steps that are prioritized for the company to deal with the causes of the problem. Through this stage, 11 improvement proposals were obtained as a set of quality improvement strategies that can be used by PT X in sequence.

Keywords: Logistics Transportation Services Provider, Quality Evaluation, Quality Improvement, Logistics Service Quality, Imprtance Performance Analysis, Quality Improvement Matrix.

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Keywords: Logistics Transportation Services Provider, Quality Evaluation, Quality Improvement, Logistics Service Quality, Imprtance Performance Analysis, Quality Improvement Matrix.

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