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*Lowis Onike Siahaan  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia
Wiwik Budiawan  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia
Hery Suliantoro  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia

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Manajemen rantai pasok mengambil peran penting dalam keberhasilan kegiatan pada suatu perusahaan atau organisasi, termasuk di lembaga pendidikan seperti Universitas Diponegoro. Rantai pasok berperan meningkatkan pelayanan, produkivitas dan menurunkan biaya operasional. Dalam menjalankan proses pengadaan barang yang melibatkan pihak pemasok, antara pemasok dan Undip harus tercipta hubungan kerja sama yang baik. Maka, untuk terus mampu menciptakan kerja sama dan peningkatan kinerja yang baik, Undip membutuhkan persepsi pemasok tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan proses pengadaan di Undip. Perpsepsi pemasok ini didapatkan dengan mengedarkan kuesioner terhadap pemasok yang pernah bekerja sama dengan Undip melalui lelang umum untuk pengadaan jasa lainnya, jasa konsultan, barang dan pekerjaan konstruksi. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengelompokkan dari hasil pengumpulan data tersebut ke dalam Supplier Perception Matrix, yang berfokus pada dua dimensi utama, yaitu level ketertarikan dan nilai bisnis. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pemasok jasa lainnya tergolong kuadran develop, pemasok jasa konsultan tergolong kuadran marginal, pemasok barang tergolong kuadran exploit dan pemasok pekerjaan konstruksi tergolong kuadran core. Dari total 21 kriteria dan sub kriteria yang ditanyakan, 20 pernyataan mendapat kategori puas dan 1 pernyataan lainnya kategori cukup puas.




Supply chain management has become an integral part of business and is essential to any company or organization’s success, include educational institutions like Diponegoro University. Supply chain management has the power to boost customer service, productivity and reduce operating costs of a company. That’s why it is important to build a good realtionship between Diponegoro University and the suppliers, so there will be a great team work. To maintain a good relationship, Diponegoro University have to know how the suppliers see them and what they want in the business. The supplier’s perception can be known by sending a questionniare about the business with Diponegoro University to those who have ever won the auction of outsourcing, consultant, goods and construction. Then, we put those suppliers in the Supplier Perception Matrix based on their level of attractiveness and the business value because those two things are the dimension that matters here. So, the result shows that the services or outsourcing suppliers is in develop quadrant, the suppliers of consultant is in marginal quadrant, the suppliers of goods is in the explooit quadrant and the construction manufacturers is in the core quadrant. Overall we can say that the suppliers think that Diponegoro University has been good on doing the business thing by the data that shows only 1 from 21 criterion gets the enough category, while the 20 others gets the satisfying score.

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Keywords: Supplier perception matrix; pemasok; ketertarikan

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