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Transformasi Museum Etnobotani Indonesia (MEI) Menjadi Museum Nasional Sejarah Alam Indonesia (Munasain)

Tegar Angkasa  -  Departemen Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro , Indonesia
*Siti Maziyah  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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This study focuses on the background to the transformation of the Indonesian Ethnobotany Museum (MEI) into the Indonesian National Museum of Natural History (Munasain). It turns out that these changes are not just related to designations and nomenclature, but are also related to improvements in various fields, from management to collections. This article uses historical methods starting from searching for sources, criticizing sources, analyzing and writing up research results. The research results show that MEI was founded in 1982 with the theme "Use of Plants in Indonesia", which consists of natural collections and cultural collections. Thus, the themes carried not only include natural products but also the environment and culture. The collections on display include original objects, imitations/replicas and photographs. On August 31 2016, there was a Soft Launching of a new nomenclature, namely Munasain, which also carried the slogan "Educative, Creative, Innovative". The museum's focus has become broader, not only ethnobotany or plants but also animals, humans and others. Through the results of research and biodiversity exploration, this museum depicts the interaction of humans and nature in Indonesia from time to time.

KeywordsTransformation, Indonesian Ethnobotany Museum, National Museum of Indonesian Natural History, Ethnobotany.

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