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Porkas Sepak Bola di Kota Semarang: Respons Pemerintah dan Masyakarat | Panuntun | Historiografi skip to main content

Porkas Sepak Bola di Kota Semarang: Respons Pemerintah dan Masyakarat

Galih Satria Panuntun  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
*Sri Indrahti  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Football Porkas was held for the first time in 1974 and is a program of the national sports development organization, namely the Indonesian National Sports Commission (KONI). Porkas Bola was held when the permit to organize Toto KONI - a similar program used to develop national sports - was revoked because it had led to gambling excesses. Since Totok KONI was banned, funds for national sports development activities have decreased and the government has to provide subsidies to KONI, the amount of which increases every year. Using historical methods, this article reveals the beginning of the Football Porkas and the response from various parties, especially from the government and the people of one of the cities in Indonesia, namely Central Java. The source of funds for coaching sports activities is always a problem, including football. In fact, football is one of the most popular sports and entertainment for Indonesian people. The results of the research show that Soccer Porkas has had a positive impact on the world of soccer, even though it has invited various responses because, like other games, Soccer Porkas is also considered to open access to gambling. One of the positive impacts of Porkas Football is the increase in funding sources for organizing football training and matches.

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