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Dari Ancaman Menuju Kekuatan: Perkembangan Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) Kota Semarang, 1970–2016

*Aditya Nurullahi Purnama  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Singgih Tri Sulistiyono  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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This article examines the development of LDII Semarang from 1970 to 2016. By applying four phases in the historical method, this article focuses on the propaganda strategy which carried out by LDII Semarang, notably in maintaining existence in the midst of mainstream Islam. Since it was first introduced by Kiai Ma’sum in 1970 byname of the Quran Study Group and Hadith, the presence of this group has triggered rejection from the majority of Muslims at that time. The rejection was based on the assumption that the Kiai Ma’sum group was a continuation of the Islamic Jamaah group which had been declared heretical by the government. Despite various obstacles, this group was able to maintain its existence. At its peak, in 1990 this group succeeded in institutionalizing itself through the formation of the LDII Regional Management Council (DPD) Semarang. Through this institution, LDII Semarang began to change the image from a closed group into a more opened group, by two main strategies, namely “cultural” and structural. The preaching activities of LDII Semarang was also manifested by building hospitals, Islamic boarding schools, and Islamic cooperatives. In a slow and gradual way, the performance of the new da'wah has changed the face of LDII Semarang which was formerly considered as a threat turned into a strength. The manifestation of LDII’s recognition as a potential new force shown by the signing of a joint project de-radicalization project between LDII Central Board and the Nahdlatul Ulama Central Board (PBNU) Semarang in 2016.

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