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Pemetaan Lahan Potensial Untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Permukiman Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dan Daya Dukung Permukiman di Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang

Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Sudarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

Received: 7 Jun 2024; Accepted: 22 Jul 2024; Available online: 31 Jul 2024; Published: 16 Jan 2025.

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Rapid population growth and urbanization are often not matched by adequate provision of residential areas. The need for residential land is an important issue in spatial planning and sustainable development. The selection of settlement locations must consider several factors inorder to create residential areas that are safe, comfortable, and in accordance with what has been regulated in the RTRW. Mijen Sub-district is experiencing rapid growth in terms of population and regional development. I order to create a thriving residential environment, land availability must be adequate. This study aims to determine the potential settlement land in Mijen Sub-district which will be used to determine the carrying capacity of current settlements and projections for the next few years. The data used relates to natural physical and socio-economic aspects. The method used is descriptive quantitative and descriptive spatial consisting of analysis of potential settlement land, analysis of population growth, and analysis of settlement carrying capacity. The research results of the land obtained potential settlement land assessed from the reach of public facilities, accessibility and land value of 803.62 Ha or about 14.26% of the total area of Mijen Sub-district. On this potential settlement land there is a ready to build environment when viewed from the PKP spatial pattern. While from the population projection of the arithmetic method at the end of the analysis year (2044) There is an estimated population increase of 50,021 people. Through the calculation of the carrying capacity of settlements, the residential areas that have been established in Mijen Sub-district in each Kelurahan are still able to accommodate residents to live until 2041.
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Keywords: Residential Area, Potential land, Settlement Supportability.

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