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Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Published: 29 Aug 2015.

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Sungai Betahwalang merupakan perairan yang mendapat masukan material dan nutrient yang berasal dari kegiatan-kegiatan seperti industri rumah tangga, pertambakan, jalur pelayaran serta kegiatan pariwisata berlangsung tanpa adanya pengelolaan. Kegiatan tersebut diperkirakan berpengaruh terhadap sebaran sedimen, kandungan bahan organik, logam berat, dan kelangsungan hidup organisme di sedimen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tekstur sedimen, bahan organik, logam berat (Pb dan Cd), dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos yang terdapat pada Sungai Betahwalang. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tekstur sedimen, bahan organik, logam berat (Pb dan Cd), dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah metode purposive sampling yang dilaksanakan pada lima stasiun yang diukur selama tiga kali waktu sampling. Stasiun 1 berada didaerah pelabuhan kapal, stasiun 2 berada dilokasi yang dilewati kapal, stasiun 3 berada di pertemuan antar sungai, stasiun 4 di persimpangan sungai, dan stasiun 5 terletak di muara sungai. Hasil rata-rata konsentrasi tekstur sedimen fraksi pasir 8,65-11,53, lumpur 74,67-78,62, liat 8,17-16,62. Tekstur sedimen yang mendominasi yaitu lumpur, bahan organik yang terkandung dalam kategori sedang, logam berat (Pb dan Cd) dengan kisaran di bawah batas maksimum, dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos sebesar 86,95 – 2565,21ind/grab. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hubungan tekstur sedimen dengan bahan organik diduga memiliki hubungan positive adalah fraksi lumpur dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar r = 0,24. Hubungan antara tekstur sedimen dengan logam berat Pb diduga memiliki hubungan positive adalah fraksi lumpur dengan nilai korelasi sebesar r = 0.03. Hubungan antara tekstur sedimen dengan logam berat Cd diduga memiliki hubungan positive adalah fraksi lumpur nilai korelasi sebesar r = 0.21. Hubungan antara tekstur sedimen dengan  kelimpahan makrozoobentos diduga memilki hubungan positive adalah fraksi lumpur dengan nilai korelasi sebesar r = 0.41.


Betahwalang river is a water area that receives material and nutrient from many activities of Betahwalang estuary. The activities are home industry, aquaculture, shipping line, and tourism that continuously without a proper management., The activities is expected to affect of sedimen distribution, organic matter content,  heavy metal, and the survival of organism in the sediment. The aim of this research is to explore sediment texture, organic material, heavy metal (Pb and Cd), and macrozoobenthic abundance. We use the purposive sampling method for data collecting  at five different stations with three times of sampling. Station 1 is located at ship harbour. Station 2 is located in the area of ship track. Station 3 is located in the confluence of rivers. Station 4 is located at the intersection of rivers. And Station 5 is located at river estuary. The average concentrated results of sand, mud, and clay are 8.65-11.53, 74.67-78.62, and 8.17-16.62, respectively. Sediment texture values dominated are silt.  Organics material are in the medium category. The value of heavy metal (Pb and Cd) is less than the maximum limit. And the value of the Macrozoobenthic is in the range of 86,952565,21 ind/grab. From the results, we conclude are obtained sediment texture relationship with organic matter are thought to have a positive relationship with the sludge fraction of the value of the correlation coefficient of r = 0.24. The relationship between the texture of the sediment with heavy metals Pb is thought to have a positive relationship with the sludge fraction of the value of a correlation of r = 0:03. The relationship between the texture of the sediment with heavy metals Cd is believed to have a positive relationship sludge fraction correlation value of r = 0:21. The relationship between sediment texture with macrozoobenthic abundance is thought to have the positive relationship with the sludge fraction of the value of a correlation of r = 0:41.

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Keywords: Sungai Betahwalang; Hubungan Tekstur Sedimen; Bahan Organik; Logam Berat Pb dan Cd; Makrozoobentos

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