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Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 24 Mar 2014; Published: 29 Apr 2014.

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Rawa Pening merupakan danau air tawar di Jawa Tengah yang mengalami masalah penurunan kualitas air karena peningkatan jumlah Eceng Gondok. Tujuan penelitian untuk identifikasi bakteri dan membedakan serta menghubungkan antara jenis bakteri perairan dasar dengan kandungan hidrogen sulfida (SNI 6989.70.2009)  serta bahan organik total (SNI 06-6989.22.2009) di perairan  tertutup dan tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok di Rawa Pening. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2013 hingga Januari 2014, menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dan metode sampling sistematis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 6 titik lokasi sebanyak 3 ulangan di perairan dasar dan permukaan untuk aspek kualitas air. Sampel untuk identifikasi bakteri tanpa ulangan di perairan dasar. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bakteri di perairan tidak tertutup dan tertutup Eceng Gondok terdapat 6 spesies. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah jenis bakteri perairan dasar di perairan tertutup  dan  tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok adalah Aeromonas hydrophyla, Bacillus megaterium, Citrobacter freundii, Kurthia zopfii, Listeria monocytogenes, dan Micrococcus nishinomiyaensis. Bakteri C. freundii merupakan bakteri patogen sistem pencernaan hewan berdarah panas yang secara khas hanya terdapat di perairan tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok. Oleh karena itu, C. freundii dapat diasumsikan bahwa perairan tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok tercemar dengan limbah patogenik feses hewan berdarah panas atau manusia. Kandungan bahan organik total tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antara perairan tertutup (12,33 – 18,53 mg/l) dengan tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok (12,73 – 15,93 mg/l), namun kandungan hidrogen sulfida perairan tertutup (0,077 – 0,117 ppm) lebih tinggi dibanding tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok (0,020 – 0,076 ppm). Analisis regresi menunjukan R2 = 0,502 (perairan tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok) dan R2 = 0,078 (perairan tertutup Eceng Gondok), sehingga kandungan bahan organik total dengan hidrogen sulfida memiliki hubungan yang rendah di perairan tertutup Eceng Gondok dan kuat di perairan tidak tertutup Eceng Gondok.


Rawa Pening is the langest in Central Java. Which experiences a decline in water quality as marked by fast increasing number of water hycinth in near bottom. The purpose of this to study identify the near bottom bacteria and to assess the relationship between the near bottom bacteria for to the content of hydrogen sulfide (SNI 6989 70.2009) as well as to the total organic matter (SNI 06-6989 22.2009). This analysis were conducted for water covered with water hycinth compared to the open waters in Rawa Pening. This study conducted in November 2013 until January 2014, using descriptive research methods combined with systematic sampling method. Triplicate was conducted at 6 points in the bottom and surface water for environmental aspect. Sampling for identification of near bottom bacteria was concucted only once in at each point. The results found 6 spesies near bottom bacteria covered and opened waters. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the types of bottom waters bacteria that found in the waters covered with water hycinth and open waters i.e Aeromonas hydrophyla, Bacillus megaterium, Citrobacter freundii, Kurthia zopfii, Listeria monocytogenes and Micrococcus nishinomiyaensis. In this study C. freundii only found in open waters. This bacteria is spesific in the digestive tract of homothermic animals, including human being, therefor by presence C. Freundii this study assumed that sampling locations in open waters in Rawa Pening injured get polluted from fecal materials of homothermic animals and human being. Total content of organic material has no signification difference between the open waters (12,73 – 15,93 mg/l)  with covered water hyacinth (12,33 – 18,53 mg/l), but the content of hydrogen sulphide is higher in water covered with water hyacinth (0,077 – 0,117 ppm) compared with  open water (0,020 – 0,076 ppm), Regression analysis showed R2 = 0.502 (open waters ) and R2 = 0.078 (covered with water hycinth ), therefor total organic matter content with hydrogen sulfide has a low correlation in covered with water hycinth and the strong correlation in open waters.

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Keywords: Jenis Bakteri; Perairan Dasar; Rawa Pening

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