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Pengembangan budidaya laut sejauh ini belum seintensif pengembangan budidaya air tawar dan air payau. Terbatasnya penyebaran informasi teknologi budidaya beberapa komunitas budidaya laut, antara lain kerang mutiara, menjadi salah satu kendala dalam upaya perluasan usaha bagi pembudidaya kerang mutiara tersebut. Intensitas cahaya berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan larva kerang mutiara. Intensitas cahaya yang tidak terlalu tinggi dapat melindungi tubuh larva dari radiasi ultra violet. Larva kerang mutiara bersifat fototaksis positif dan umumnya selama metamorfose larva membutuhkan intensitas cahaya yang sesuai. Pemberian dosis pakan alami berupa alga diawal pemeliharaan sebesar 7000 individu/ml/hari dan terus ditambah 1000-1500 individu/ml/hari selama 17 hari masa pemeliharaan. Pada media pemeliharaan larva diperoleh suhu air berkisar 28-29 oC, salinitas 32 ppt, dan pH air 8. Berdasarkan pengamatan secara deskriptif, intensitas cahaya berbeda mempengaruhi pertumbuhan larva kerang mutiara (P. maxima). Intensitas cahaya 50 dan 100 lux cenderung mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan laju sintasan larva kerang mutiara.
Kata Kunci : Pinctada maxima, Intensitas Cahaya, Pertumbuhan, dan Perkembangan
The development of mariculture in general so far has not been as intensive as the development of freshwater aquaculture and the brackish water. The limited development of information technology of mariculture, such as pearl shells, becomes one of the constraints in the efforts to expand the business for the pearl. Light intensity has the effects to the growth and maturation of the pearl shells larvae. The low intensity of light can protect the larvae against by ultra violet radiation. Oyster larvae are fototaksis positive and generally require appropriate light intensity during the larvae metamorphosis. The feeding of algae at the beginning of the maintenance is 7000 individuals / ml / day and was continuously added into 1000-1500 individual / ml / day during 17 days the observation. In the larval rearing media was known that the water temperature about 28-29 ° C, 32 ppt salinity, and 8 water pH. Based on descriptive observation, different light intensities affect larval growth of pearl shells (P. maxima). Light intensity of 50 and 100 lux were likely to affect the growth and survival rate of pearl shells larvae.
Keywords: Pinctada maxima, Light intensity, Growth and Maturation
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