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Exploring Endeavour of Health Facilitators Reinforce Public Consciousness on Stunting Reduction

*Koesworo Setiawan orcid  -  Universitas Djuanda | Department of Communication, Faculty of Social, Political, & Computer Science, Jl Tol Jagorawi No.1. Bogor, Indonesia 16720| Universitas Djuanda,, Indonesia
Sri Ayu Agustin  -  Universitas Djuanda | Department of Communication, Faculty of Social, Political, & Computer Science, Jl Tol Jagorawi No.1. Bogor, Indonesia 16720| Universitas Djuanda, Indonesia
Muhammad Aziz Juantara  -  Universitas Djuanda | Department of Communication, Faculty of Social, Political, & Computer Science, Jl Tol Jagorawi No.1. Bogor, Indonesia 16720| Universitas Djuanda, Indonesia
Muhammad Fadly Hakim  -  Universitas Djuanda | Department of Communication, Faculty of Social, Political, & Computer Science, Jl Tol Jagorawi No.1. Bogor, Indonesia 16720| Universitas Djuanda, Indonesia
Received: 4 Jun 2023; Revised: 29 Sep 2023; Accepted: 30 Sep 2023; Published: 30 Sep 2023.

How to cite (IEEE): K. Setiawan, S. A. Agustin, M. A. Juantara, and M. F. Hakim, "Exploring Endeavour of Health Facilitators Reinforce Public Consciousness on Stunting Reduction," Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 492 - 500, Sep. 2023.
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Health facilitators (IHT cadres/posyandu and village midwives) play a strategic role in preventing stunting. This study aims to uncover how health facilitators strengthen family awareness using Aristotle's persuasive analysis. Primary data were collected using in-depth interview techniques with informants determined by the purposive sampling method. Secondary data were collected by observation techniques during the interaction process between health facilitators and target groups and literature studies. Next, the data was encoded and analysed with Aristotle's three persuasive concepts: ethos, pathos, and logos. The results showed that health facilitators interacted directly with the target group through two important moments: during health checks at posyandu, and sweeping people's homes. The facilitator's knowledge is sourced from MCH books and other valid references. In conclusion, the facilitator applies interpersonal communication (counseling) to reinforce consciousness of the target group, which is reinforced by Aristotle's persuasion techniques: ethos, pathos, and logos. Through direct interaction, they convince and change family views, beliefs, and behaviours to comply with stunting guidelines. Facilitators promoted three key messages in strengthening consciousness: maternal and child health, healthy behaviours and lifestyles, and environmental health.

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Keywords: stunting,;health facilitators; posyandu; Aristotle
Funding: Ciawi Village Government; Nuryana; Muhammad Rizki; Elfa Amelia Anisa; Ratu Anisya; Riri Rahmadhany

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