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Kelemahan Administratif sebagai Penyebab Rendahnya Kepatuhan Indonesia terhadap UNESCO World Heritage Convention dalam Pelaksanaan Konservasi Borobudur

*Nabilah Rifdha Elmira  -  Department of International Relations,, Indonesia
Fendy Eko Wahyudi  -  Department of International Relations,, Indonesia

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This research is based on the findings that there are non-compliances to the UNESCO 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage occurring in Borobudur Temple Compounds conservation practice. The non-compliances are evident as the UNESCO had issued two Reactive Monitorings and seven State of Conservation reports consisting of evaluations and recommendations following the non-compliances. Using Ronald B. Mitchell’s Compliance Theory, this research aims to find the cause of noncompliances occurring in Borobudur Temple Compounds conservation practice. Stakeholder Power and Interest Matrix and Actor-Linkage Matrices are used in order to find the primary actors having the biggest influences in the conservation practice.
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Keywords: conservation, non-compliance, informational infrastructure, regulation infrastructure

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