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Analisis Overall Equipment Effectiveness dan Six Big Losses pada Mesin Pencelupan Benang (Studi Kasus PT. Pismatex Textile Industry)

*M. Miftah Firmansyah  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Aries Susanty  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Diana Puspitasari  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Perusahaan textile nasional terus berupa untuk menampilkan kemampuan terbaiknya PT. Pismatex merupakan salah satu perusahaan dengan terus melakukan continous improvement.  Berdasarkan  pengamatan diperusahaan,  didapatkan bahwa sering terjadi breakdown mesin pada divisi Dyeing dan keterlambatan bahan baku benang. Data menunjukkan bahwa setiap harinya terjadi breakdown mesin 2 sampai 4 jam pada setiap mesin Dyeing. kinerja mesin juga sering kali mengalami gangguan dikarenakan umur mesin yang telah mencapai 25 tahun pengunaan yang pada akhirnya target produksi jarang tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)  dan six big losses dari mesin. sehingga dapat diketahui kerugian terbesar yang ditimbulkan oleh mesin Dyeing.

          Berdasarkan perhitungan nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness mesin Dyeing PT. Pismatex Textile Industri yaitu sebesar 68,59 % dengan availability sebesar 81,62%, performance sebesar 85,07% dan quality rate sebesar 98,78%.  Hasil perhitungan nilai Six Big Losses masing-masing yaitu reduced speed sebesar 39,87 %, breakdown loss sebesar 8,12%, idling time sebesar 0,57%, rework loss sebesar 1,47%, scrap loss sebesar 0 % dan nilai setup and adjustment loss sebesar 10,26%. Dari nilai ini dapat dilihat bahwa faktor reduced speed loss merupakan faktor losses dengan nilai  terbesar.




        National textile companies keep struggling to show the best of the company. PT. Pismatex is the one of the company that keep the continuous improvement. Based on the field observation, there are numbers of machine breakdowns in dyeing division and delays in sourcing yarn. There ara 2 up to 4 machine breakdowns in each of dyeing machine, the performance of the machine is frequently disrupted due to the lifespan of the machie that has reached 25 years. This resulting of the production target is rarely met. The research purposed to find the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and six big losses of machine. So the big losses caused by the machine could be find.

          The Overall Equipment Effectiveness of dyeing machine in PT. Pismatex is 68,59 % with availability 81,62%, performance 85,07% and quality rate 98,78%. The result of six big losses are reduced speed  39,87 %, breakdown loss 8,12%, idling time 0,57%, rework loss 1,47%, scrap loss 0 % and value of setup and adjustment loss 10,26%. In conclusion, the reduced losses is a factor losses with the highest value. 

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Keywords: OEE; Six Big Losses; TQM

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