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*Yohana Natalia Putri Gani Parhusip  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia
Ary Arvianto  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

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PT Krama Yudha Ratu Motor adalah perusahaan perakitan Make To Order (MTO) yang juga
merupakan salah satu perusahaan industri otomotif di Indonesia yang memproduksi beragam kendaraan
niaga dengan beberapa tipe yaitu TD (Colt Diesel), Fuso, dan TA (Fuso Fighter). Aliran proses produksi
di PT Krama Yudha Ratu Motor meliputi proses Welding – Metal Finish – Painting – Trimming – Tester
Line – Road Test – Pre Delivery – Delivery – Handling Post Delivery – Pengendalian Lingkungan.
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, penelitian, dan data histori breakdown serta data maintenance, mesin
PSW proses Welding pada unit TD memiliki beberapa penyebab kerusakan yang dapat berpengaruh
terhadap proses selanjutnya, dikarenakan proses Welding ini merupakan proses paling awal dalam
pembuatan unit. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data Summary Defect Welding TD tahun 2022, dimana
Sebagian besar defect yang terjadi pada proses Welding ini disebabkan oleh kerusakan pada mesin PSW.
Permasalahan pada proses Welding, tentu akan mempengaruhi proses produksi pada tahap selanjutnya
menjadi terhambat sehingga dapat menimbulkan potensi pemenuhan produksi yang tidak sesuai demand.
Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan analisis maintenance terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi pada mesin
PSW pada proses Welding Unit TD untuk mengetahui jenis kerusakan yang ada, mengidentifikasi cara
penyelesaian pada mesin PSW dan penyebabnya menggunakan metode Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) dan pendekatan Overall Equipment Eficiency (OEE).
Kata Kunci: Total Productive Maintenance; Overall Equipment Eficiency; Industri Otomotif


[Identification of Problems in Portable Spot Welding Machines (PSW) Production of TD Units Using
the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Method with the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Approach (Study Case: PT. Krama Yudha Ratu Motor)]. PT Krama Yudha Ratu Motor is a Make To
Order (MTO) assembly company which is also one of the automotive industry companies in Indonesia
that produces various types of commercial vehicles, namely TD (Colt Diesel), Fuso, and TA (Fuso
Fighter). The flow of the production process at PT Krama Yudha Ratu Motor includes the process of
Welding – Metal Finish – Painting – Trimming – Line Tester – Road Test – Pre Delivery – Delivery –
Handling Post Delivery – Environmental Control. Based on the results of interviews, research, and
historical breakdown data as well as maintenance data, the Welding process PSW machine in the TD
unit has several causes of damage that can affect the next process, because the Welding process is the
earliest process in making a unit. This can be seen from the TD Welding Defect Summary data for 2022,
where most of the defects that occur in the welding process are caused by damage to the PSW machine.
Problems in the welding process, of course, will affect the production process at a later stage and
become obstructed so that it can lead to the potential for fulfilling production that does not match
demand. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a maintenance analysis of the problems that occur in
the PSW machine in the Welding Unit TD process to find out the types of damage that exist, identify
ways to solve the PSW machine and the causes using the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) method
and the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) approach

Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance; Overall Equipment Eficiency; Automotive Industry

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Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance; Overall Equipment Eficiency; Automotive Industry

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