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*Alya Ulfa Rahmastuti  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia
Bambang Purwanggono  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

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CV Bintang Prima merupakan salah satu perusahaan pada bidang manufaktur yang mengolah kayu log. Sistem produksi pada CV Bintang Prima berjalan dengan sistem make-to-order, dengan sistem tersebut perusahaan memilih untuk mempekerjakan pekerja harian yang tidak terikat kontrak di bagian lantai produksi. Karena hal tersebut, perusahaan tidak memperhatikan aspek K3 untuk pekerja, dan pekerja pun tidak sadar akan pentingnya K3. Berdasarkan data, pada bagian produksi pemotongan setiap tahunnya terdapat setidaknya 1 kasus kecelakaan kerja dan setiap bulannya terdapat setidaknya 2 pekerja yang absen karena penyakit akibat kerja. Upaya pengidentifikasian dan perbaikan lingkungan kerja dilakukan menggunakan metode Ergonomic Checklist. Ergonomic Checklist merupakan kumpulan checklist yang terdiri dari 132 bulir pertanyaan untuk menemukan solusi praktis demi meningkatkan kondisi kerja tiaptiap nilai dari sisi pandang ergonomi. Dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan terdapat 92 poin yang dilakukan dengan baik dan 26 poin yang masih kurang baik, serta 11 poin yang penting untuk diperbaiki. Rekomendasi perbaikan pun diberikan terhadap poin yang masih kurang baik.

Kata kunci: ergonomic checklist; lingkungan kerja; keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja


[Title: Workplace Environment Analysis with Ergonomic Checklist Method in the Wood Cutting Section of CV Bintang Prima] CV Bintang Prima is one of the companies in the manufacturing sector that processes logs. The production system at CV Bintang Prima runs on a make-to-order system, with this system the company chooses to employ non-contractual daily workers on the production floor. Because of this, the company does not pay attention to the OHS aspects for workers, and workers are not aware of the importance of OHS. Based on the data, in the production section of cutting logs every year there is at least 1 case of work accident and every month there are at least 2 workers who are absent due to occupational diseases. Efforts to identify and improve the work environment are carried out using the Ergonomic Checklist method. The Ergonomic Checklist is a collection of checklists consisting of 132 questions to find practical solutions to improve the working conditions of each value from an ergonomics point of view. From the observations, it was found that there were 92 points that were done well and 26 points that were still not good, as well as 11 points that were important to improve. Recommendations for improvement are also given to points that are still not good.

Keywords: ergonomic checklist; occupational safety and health; workplace environment

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Keywords: ergonomic checklist; occupational safety and health; workplace environment

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