Munculnya pandemi COVID-19 telah mengubah berbagai industri dalam menjalankan aktvitasnya, tidak terkecuali Sinotif Permata Hijau yang bergerak di industri jasa bidang bimbingan belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi serta menganalisa hubungan antara variabel Service Quality Barrier (variabel yang menghalang tercapainya kualitas) pada Sinotif Permata Hijau dengan menggunakan pendekatan Interpretive Structure Modelling (ISM) dan Matrix of Cross Impact Multiplication Applied to a Classification (MICMAC), sehingga dapat dilakukan perbaikan terhadap variabel Service Quality Barrier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 6 Service Quality Barrier yang perlu dibenahi dan rekomendasi perbaikan sebagai berikut: Mengevaluasi fasilitas yang dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran online, Menciptakan kurikulum pelatihan untuk guru serta melakukan training secepat mungkin, Penetapan KPI yang lebih detil sebagai dasar pengembangan terus – menerus perusahaan, Melakukan peningkatan kualitas untuk menjadi dasar keyakinan pelanggan terhadap perusahaan, Mengkaji penerapan protokol kesehatan di tempat kerja sehingga dalam penerapannya tidak mengganggu aktivitas kerja.
Kata kunci: ISM, Kualitas, MICMAC, Service Quality Barrier
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed various industries in carrying out their activities, not least Sinotif Permata Hijau that engaged the service industry in the field of tutoring. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the relationship between Service Quality Barrier variables (variables that prevent quality from being achieved) in the Sinotif Permata Hijau using interpretive structure modelling (ISM) and Matrix of Cross Impact Multiplication Applied to a Classification (MICMAC approach), so that improvements can be made to service quality barrier variables. The results showed there are 6 Service Quality Barriers that need to be improved and improvement recommendations as follows: Evaluating the facilities needed in the online learning process, Creating a training curriculum for teachers and conducting training as quickly as possible, Determination of more detailed KPIs as the basis of continuous development of the company, Improving the quality to be the basis of customer confidence in the company, Reviewing the application of health protocols in the workplace so that in its implementation does not interfere with work activities.
Keywords: ISM, Quality, MICMAC, Service Quality Barrier
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