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PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS MENGGUNAKAN METODE STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL PADA PRODUK KERNEL (INTI KELAPA SAWIT) (Studi Kasus PT Supra Matra Abadi) | Sebayang | Industrial Engineering Online Journal skip to main content


*Diti Paulina Br Sebayang  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia
Bambang Purwanggono  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia

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PT Supra Matra Abadi merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pengelolaan kelapa sawit dan merupakan bagian dari Asian Agri Group. Salah satu produk yang mereka hasilkan adalah kernel (inti kelapa sawit). Menurut data daily laboratory report analisis kernel pada bulan Januari 2021, ditemukan bahwa banyak kadar inti pecah melewati standar yang telah ditetapkan. Data kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan metode Statistical Process Control dan kapabilitas proses untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas kernel dan cara mengatasinya agar kualitas kernel yang diproduksi dapat memenuhi standar. Setelah dilakukan pengolahan, ditemukan bahwa nilai kapabilitas broken kernel benilai negatif. Hal ini menandakan bahwa proses tidak capable. Akar penyebabnya digambarkan dengan menggunakan fishbone, dimana hal tersebut ditinjau melalui empat faktor, yaitu manusia, mesin, prosedur, dan metode. Kemudian dilakukan rekomendasi perbaikan seperti usulan jadwal penggantian, perawatan, dan pemeriksaan mesin, pengaturan ulang mesin screw press dan ripple mill, pemakaian APD yang lengkap, dan prosedur kerja yang lebih diketatkan lagi.

Kata kunci: Kualitas, Statistical Process Control, Seven Tools, Kapabilitas Process


PT Supra Matra Abadi is a palm oil processing company and is part of the Asian Agri Group. One of the products they produce is kernel. According to data from the daily laboratory report for kernel analysis in January 2021, it was found that many broken kernel rate were violated past the set standards. Then, the data is processed using the Statistical Process Control (SPC) and process capability method to determine the factors that affect the quality of the kernel and how to overcome them so that the quality of kernel can meet the standards. After processing, it was found that the broken kernel capability value was negative. This shows that the process is not capable. The root causes are described using fishbone, which is reviewed through four factors, they are humans, machines, procedures, and methods. Then recommendations for improvement are made, such as the proposed schedule for replacement, maintenance, and inspection of the machine, resetting the screw press and ripple mill machines, using complete PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and more stringent work procedures.

Keywords: Quality, Statistical Process Control, Seven Tools, Process Capability

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Keywords: Quality, Statistical Process Control, Seven Tools, Process Capability

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