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*Fildzah Nada Ayu Zulkamal  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,
Novie Susanto  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia

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Abstrak Layanan mobile banking merupakan salah satu layanan yang paling banyak digunakan nasabah perbankan di masa sekarang. Dukungan kemajuan teknologi, kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin kompleks, serta kepraktisan layanan menjadi faktor-faktor penting yang membuat mobile banking menjadi pilihan nasabah dalam bertransaksi. Namun, masih banyaknya keluhan dari nasabah mengenai penggunaan m-banking, serta tuntutan kemampuan layanan mobile banking yang harus terus berinovasi menjadi pendorong permasalahan terkait peningkatan kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan 3 metode yaitu SERVQUAL, Model Kano dan Quality Function Deployment dalam penyusunan strategi peningkatan kualitas layanan. Dimensi kualitas layanan dalam metode SERVQUAL yang digunakan yaitu Efficiency, Fulfillment, System Availability dan Privacy. Pengukuran SERVQUAL menunjukkan beberapa atribut layanan yang dinilai memiliki kesenjangan, artinya tingkat kualitas layanan m-banking Bank X masih rendah. Pada Model Kano dilakukan klasifikasi dan didapatkan 8 atribut kualitas layanan yang menjadi fokus peningkatan kepuasan pengguna. Metode terakhir penelitian ini yaitu QFD melalui metode House of Quality yang menghasilkan 4 Technical response utama sekaligus menjadi prioritas peningkatkan kualitas layanan.

Kata Kunci: SERVQUAL, QFD, Model Kano, Matriks HOQ, Mobile banking

Abstract Mobile banking services are one of the most widely used services by banking customers nowadays. The support of technological advances, The increasing of complex community needs, and practicality of services are important factors that make mobile banking the customer's choice for transactions. However, there are still many complaints from customers regarding the use of m-banking, as well as demands for the ability of mobile banking services that must continue to innovate, which are drivers of problems related to improving service quality. This research integrates 3 methods, namely SERVQUAL, Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment in developing service quality improvement strategies. The dimensions of service quality in the SERVQUAL method used are Efficiency, Fulfillment, System Availability and Privacy. The SERVQUAL measurement shows that several service attributes are considered to have gaps, meaning that the quality level of Bank X's m-banking services is still low. In the Kano Model, classification is carried out and obtained 8 service quality attributes that are the focus of increasing user satisfaction. The last method of this research is QFD through the House of Quality method which produces 4 main technical responses as well as being a priority to improve service quality.

Keyword: SERVQUAL, QFD, Kano Model, HOQ Matrix, Mobile banking

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Keywords: SERVQUAL, QFD, Kano Model, HOQ Matrix, Mobile banking

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