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ANALISIS POSITIONING ITEM PENGADAAN MENGGUNAKAN KRALJIC PORTOFOLIO MATRIX (Studi Kasus : PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) | Kusumawati | Industrial Engineering Online Journal skip to main content


*Agnes Kusumawati  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia
Diana Puspita Sari  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia

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Procurement meliputi proses pembelian, penyewaan, peminjaman, tukar – tambah maupun transfer dari perusahaan lain dalam upaya mengadakan suatu barang atau pun jasa. PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menerapkan good procurement practice, sebagaimana tercantum dalam pedoman umum pengadaan barang/ jasa PT PLN. Penggunaan strategi supply dan purchasing masih belum efektif karena selama kurun waktu dua periode 2015-2016 terdapat beberapa item pengadaan yang gagal pada proses pengadaan pertama, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengadaan ulang. Terdapat metode untuk menentukan supply positioning matrix yaitu Kraljic Portofolio Matrix yang mengkategorikan item pengadaan berdasarkan profit impact dan supply risk. Kraljic matrix 2x2 diklasifikasikan menjadi empat kuadran yaitu non critical, leverage, bottleneck, dan strategic items. Perhitungan bobot supply risk dan profit impact dengan menggunakann Triangular fuzzy number (TFN) untuk tiap item pengadaan, lalu dilakukan plot item pengadaan ke dalam Kraljic Matrix melalui Multidimensional scaling (MDS). Terdapat dua item pada kuadran non kritis yaitu pekerjaan medical check up serta pengadaan & penggantian peralatan PDKB. Kuadran leverage meliputi sewa kendaraan operasional, wifi management, mesin absensi fingerprint, dan accessories MDU Gas Pipe. Item pada kuadran bottleneck yaitu pekerjaan Supply Erect Program Listrik Pedesaan, accessories MDU Recloser, Konduktor NFA2X-T 2X70+50 MM², dan LBS Motorized Three Ways. Terdapat lima item pada kuadran critical atau strategic yaitu KWH Meter elektronik Paskabayar, Smartbox, Modem Automatic Reading Meter (AMR) lengkap, Tap Konektor Kedap Air dan Strain Hook Clamp.




[Title : Positioning Analysis of Procurement Items Using Kraljic Portofolio Matrix (Case Study : PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)]. MatrixProcurement includes the process of purchasing, leasing, borrowing, exchange - added or transfer from other companies in an effort to hold a good or service. PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta apply good procurement practice, as stated in the general guidance of procurement of goods/ services of PT PLN. The use of supply and purchasing strategy is still not effective because there are still some procurement items that failed in the first procurement process during of two periods 2015-2016, so it needs to be re-process. There is a method to determine the supply positioning matrix that is Kraljic Portfolio Matrix which categorizes procurement items based on profit impact and supply risk. Kraljic matrix 2x2 is classified into four categories ie non critical, leverage, bottleneck, and strategic items. The calculation of supply risk’s weight and profit impact’s weight by using Triangular fuzzy number (TFN) for each procurement item, then plot procurement items into Kraljic Matrix through Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). There are two items in non-critical quadrant namely medical check up work and procurement & replacement of PDKB equipment. Leverage quadrants include operational vehicle rental, wifi management, fingerprint attendance machines, and MDU Gas Pipe accessories. Items in quadrant bottleneck are Supply Erect Program of Rural Electrical Program, accessories MDU Recloser, Conductor NFA2X-T 2X70 + 50 MM², and LBS Motorized Three Ways. There are five items in the critical or strategic quadrant: KWH Meter electronic postpaid, Smartbox, Automatic Modem Automatic Reading Meter (AMR), Tap Waterproof Connectors and Hook Clamp Strain.

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Keywords: kraljic matrix; multidimensional scaling; profit impact; supply risk; triangular fuzzy number

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