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Perancangan Model Layanan Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit untuk Mengurangi Waktu Antrian pada Pelayanan Obat di Farmasi (Studi Kasus : RSUD Dr.Adhyatama, MPH Kota Semarang) | Krisnanto | Industrial Engineering Online Journal skip to main content

Perancangan Model Layanan Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit untuk Mengurangi Waktu Antrian pada Pelayanan Obat di Farmasi (Studi Kasus : RSUD Dr.Adhyatama, MPH Kota Semarang)

*Sigit Heru Krisnanto  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia
Purnawan Adi Wicaksono  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia
Dyah Ika Rinawati  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Indonesia

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Lama waktu layanan merupakan salah satu indikator penting yang menentukan kepuasan pasien dan mutu dalam layanan farmasi rumah sakit. Berdasarkan laporan pencapaian mutu Instalasi Farmasi RSUD Dr.Adhyatama, MPH pada bulan April 2017 layanan obat di Instalasi tersebut telah memenuhi standar mutu, namun belum mencapai target indikator mutu yang ada. Setelah dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan membuat Value Stream Mapping, pada proses layanan obat jadi dan obat racikan instalasi farmasi Dr. Adhyatama, MPH terdapat 2 jenis waste yang terjadi yaitu  delays, dan transportation . Persentase waste terbesar adalah delays sebesar 71 %,  dari keseluruhan waktu layanan obat jadi dan 59 % dari keseluruhan obat racikan. Hasil penelitian untuk mengatasi besarnya waktu tunggu di dalam Sistem Layanan pada instalasi farmasi RSUD Dr.Adhyatama, MPH Kota Semarang tersebut yaitu dengan menambah 1 orang petugas skrining, 1 orang teknisi Obat, dan 1 orang teknisi label dan pengemasan.



Design of Pharmacy Hospital Installation Service Model to Reduce Queue Time on Drug Service in Pharmacy (Case Study : Dr.Adhyatama,MPH Hospital Semarang City) The time required to complete a service is one of the important indicators that determines patient satisfaction and quality in hospital pharmacy services. Based on the report on the quality achievement of Pharmacy Installation of RSUD Dr.Adhyatama Hospital, MPH in April 2017, the drug service in the Installation has met the quality standard, but has not reached the target of the existing quality indicator. After further research was done by creating Value Stream Mapping, on the process of finished drug service and medicine for pharmaceutical installation RSUD Dr. Adhyatama, MPH there are 2 types of waste that happens are delays and transportation. The largest percentage of waste was delays of 71%, of the total time of taking the drugs that have been available and 59% of the total time to finished the drugs that need to be formulated. The result of the research to resolve the waiting time’s problem in the Service System at the pharmacy installation of RSUD Dr.Adhyatama, MPH Semarang City is by adding 1 person screening officer, 1 drug technician , and 1 labels and packing technician.

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Keywords: Lean Health Care; Waktu Tunggu; ExtendSim

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