BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IEOJ10661, author = {Achmad Marzuki and Hery Suliantoro}, title = {Analisa Reliability dan Availability Mesin Screw Press Kelapa Sawit Studi Kasus PT.Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero)}, journal = {Industrial Engineering Online Journal}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Reliability; Availability; Screw Press}, abstract = { Performance or performance of a machine or production equipment depend on the Reliability and availability of machinery or equipment. In addition to these there is also a factor of 2 of the working environment of the engine, maintenance and so on. In PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero), as one of the State-owned company engaged in the processing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) oil palm and rubber. Processing Unit TBS Sei galuh has several units, such as lori, cranes, conveyor, screw press, and so on. In the system of engine maintenance on this unit, have implemented preventive care system maintenance, but in reality the treatments carried out by way of Corrective Maintenance. In the study conducted an analysis of the level of Reliability and availability of one of the machines that are considered very vital i.e. Screw press oil palm, and also the availability of the components of the machine screw press. From the calculation result is obtained that level of reliability a machine screw press 3 has the best conditions with the level of reliability of 90% with operating 5 days old. For the level of reliability of screw machine part press declined against the increase of the time. Then for the availability of components for 30 days to come by that component of the gear box by 1-2 components per month and so on. the failure of the machine and screw press machine components increases with time. Where a machine screw press 1 and 2 as well as the components of the press cage is the engine and the most critical components. ABSTRAK Kinerja atau performance dari sebuah mesin atau peralatan produksi bergantung pada Reliability dan availability mesin atau peralatan tersebut. Selain 2 faktor tersebut ada juga dari lingkungan kerja mesin, maintenance dan sebagainya .Pada PT.Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero), sebagai salah satu perusahaan milik Negara yang bergerak dalam bidang pengolahan tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit dan karet. unit pengonalahn TBS Sei Galuh memiliki beberapa unit mesin, seperti lori, crane, conveyor, screw press ,dan sebagainya. Dalam sistem perawatan mesin pada unit ini, telah menerapkan sistem perawatan preventif maintenance, tetapi dalam kenyaaanya perawatan dilakukan dengan cara Corrective Maintenance. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa tingkat Reliability dan availability dari salah satu mesin yang di anggap sangat vital yaitu Screw press kelapa sawit, dan juga ketersediaan kompenen mesin screw press. Dari hasil perhitungan didapt bahwa tingkat keandalan mesin screw press 3 memiliki kondisi yang paling baik dengan tingkat keandalan 90% dengan lama operasi 5 hari. Untuk tingkat keadalan part mesin screw press menurun terhadap bertambahnya waktu. Kemudian untuk ketersediaan komponen selama 30 hari didapat bahwa komponen gear box sebesar 1-2 komponen per bulan dan seterusnya. kegagalan mesin dan komponen mesin screw press meningkat seiring bertambahnya waktu. Dimana mesin screw press 1 dan 2 serta komponen press cage merupakan mesin dan komponen yang paling kritis. }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Performance or performance of a machine or production equipment depend on the Reliability and availability of machinery or equipment. In addition to these there is also a factor of 2 of the working environment of the engine, maintenance and so on. In PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero), as one of the State-owned company engaged in the processing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) oil palm and rubber. Processing Unit TBS Sei galuh has several units, such as lori, cranes, conveyor, screw press, and so on. In the system of engine maintenance on this unit, have implemented preventive care system maintenance, but in reality the treatments carried out by way of Corrective Maintenance. In the study conducted an analysis of the level of Reliability and availability of one of the machines that are considered very vital i.e. Screw press oil palm, and also the availability of the components of the machine screw press.
From the calculation result is obtained that level of reliability a machine screw press 3 has the best conditions with the level of reliability of 90% with operating 5 days old. For the level of reliability of screw machine part press declined against the increase of the time. Then for the availability of components for 30 days to come by that component of the gear box by 1-2 components per month and so on. the failure of the machine and screw press machine components increases with time. Where a machine screw press 1 and 2 as well as the components of the press cage is the engine and the most critical components.
Kinerja atau performance dari sebuah mesin atau peralatan produksi bergantung pada Reliability dan availability mesin atau peralatan tersebut. Selain 2 faktor tersebut ada juga dari lingkungan kerja mesin, maintenance dan sebagainya .Pada PT.Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero), sebagai salah satu perusahaan milik Negara yang bergerak dalam bidang pengolahan tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit dan karet. unit pengonalahn TBS Sei Galuh memiliki beberapa unit mesin, seperti lori, crane, conveyor, screw press ,dan sebagainya. Dalam sistem perawatan mesin pada unit ini, telah menerapkan sistem perawatan preventif maintenance, tetapi dalam kenyaaanya perawatan dilakukan dengan cara Corrective Maintenance. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa tingkat Reliability dan availability dari salah satu mesin yang di anggap sangat vital yaitu Screw press kelapa sawit, dan juga ketersediaan kompenen mesin screw press.
Dari hasil perhitungan didapt bahwa tingkat keandalan mesin screw press 3 memiliki kondisi yang paling baik dengan tingkat keandalan 90% dengan lama operasi 5 hari. Untuk tingkat keadalan part mesin screw press menurun terhadap bertambahnya waktu. Kemudian untuk ketersediaan komponen selama 30 hari didapat bahwa komponen gear box sebesar 1-2 komponen per bulan dan seterusnya. kegagalan mesin dan komponen mesin screw press meningkat seiring bertambahnya waktu. Dimana mesin screw press 1 dan 2 serta komponen press cage merupakan mesin dan komponen yang paling kritis.
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