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Problematika Pencari Suaka Timur Tengah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Dinamika Politik Indonesia-Australia 1996-2006 | Hidayah | Historiografi skip to main content

Problematika Pencari Suaka Timur Tengah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Dinamika Politik Indonesia-Australia 1996-2006

*Taufik Hidayah  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Yety Rochwulaningsih  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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The emergence of various conflicts in the Middle East in 1996 became a new chapter in the journey of several countries in the Middle East. The conflict has threatened lives and required some citizens to flee to seek asylum in a safer country. As a target of seek asylumthe Australian government made policies that were contrary to the results of the convention. Indonesia, as one of the neighboring countries geographically close to Australia, was affected. This is because Indonesia has become a temporary transit country due to various Australian policies that make it difficult for asylum seekers to enter. In dealing with the problem of asylum seekers, the two countries and in cooperation with international organizations made various agreements. One of the agreements produced by the two countries is the Regional Cooperation Model agreement signed in 2001 and the Lombok Agreement signed in November 2006. This article discusses various problems that must be faced by asylum seekers, both on their way to a transit country, the dynamics of life in transit country, as well as objections from third countries. Using historical methods, this article aims to identify solutions offered by Australia which also involves Indonesia as the closest country and serving as a transit country.

Keywords: Asylum SeekerMiddle East; Regional Cooperation.

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