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STUDI KELAYAKAN LOKASI PERENCANAAN BASE TRANSCEIVER STATION (BTS) BERBASIS GEOSPASIAL (Studi Kasus : Bts Di Kabupaten Pati) | Ratriana | Jurnal Geodesi Undip skip to main content


Program Studi Teknik Geodesi Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Published: 7 May 2015.

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Meningkatnya perkembangan telekomunikasi di Indonesia terbukti dengan adanya segala macam operator yang menawarkan kemudahan telekomunikasi untuk masyarakat. Hal ini menyebabkan operator seluler harus bisa memenuhi kebutuhan trafik pengguna. Pemenuhan kebutuhan jaringan dilakukan dengan membangun infrastruktur jaringan, salah satunya adalah BTS (Base Transceiver Station) dimana BTS itu sendiri diperlukan khususnya untuk daerah yang masih jauh dari jangkauan sinyal atau layanan komunikasi.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lokasi potensial perencanaan pembangunan BTS dan menganalisis kelayakan lokasi tersebut dengan memanfaatkan informasi geospasial pada tiga variabel yaitu line of sight, zonasi, dan kesesuaian fungsi kawasan (kawasan lindung dan kawasan budidaya) di Kabupaten Pati. Melalui analisis tersebut selanjutnya diolah untuk mendapatkan peta lokasi potensial menara BTS berdasarkan ketiga variabel, yang kemudian digolongkan menjadi lokasi potensial dan lokasi dilarang.

Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, lokasi yang dijadikan referensi guna didirikannya menara telekomunikasi yang baru, terdapat 63 buah, dimana 45 buah diantaranya termasuk dalam lokasi potensial pembangunan menara BTS sementara 15 buah masuk dalam lokasi tidak potensial dan 3 buah lainnya masuk kategori lokasi kurang potensial karena hanya memenuhi sebagian parameter saja.

Kata kunci : Base Transceiver Station, Geospasial, Lokasi



The increasing development of telecommunications in Indonesia as evidenced by the presence of all kinds of telecommunication operators who offer convenience to the public. This causes the mobile operators should be able to meet the needs of the user traffic. Meeting the needs of the network is done by building a network infrastructure, one of which is the BTS (Base Transceiver Station) where the BTS itself is necessary, especially for areas that are far from the reach of the signal or communication.

This study aims to determine the potential sites BTS development planning and analyzing the feasibility of these locations by utilizing geospatial information on three variables: the line of sight, zoning, and compliance function of the area (protected areas and cultivated area) in Pati regency. Through the analysis further processed to obtain the map of potential sites BTS based on three variables, which are then classified into potential sites and locations is prohibited.

Based on the results of data processing, the location of which is used as a reference for the establishment of a new telecommunications tower, there are 63 pieces, of which 45 pieces of which are included in the potential locations of BTS tower construction while 15 pieces included in not potential location and three other pieces in the category of less potential locations for only meet most parameters only.

Keywords: Base Transceiver Station, Geospatial, Location

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