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Departemen Teknik Geodesi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 26 Dec 2019; Published: 26 Dec 2019.

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Setiap mahasiswa yang ingin melaksanakan tugas akhir sehingga mencari sumber-sumber, studi literatur yang ingin dikaji mempunyai peranan penting dalam upaya memberikan informasi mengenai penelitian. Penyediaan informasi mengenai persebaran penelitian dan sistem jurnal penelitian kepada mahasiswa sangat dibutuhkan maka dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mempermudah dalam mencari referensi-referensi penelitian dan mengetahui persebaran lokasi penelitian tersebut. Aplikasi Persebaran Lokasi Penelitian Teknik Geodesi Universitas Diponegoro (selanjutnya akan disebut LPTG yang dapat diakses pada diharapkan dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan tersebut. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan framework Laravel, database menggunakan MySQL dan peta dasar CartoDB. Hasil akhir penelitian berupa aplikasi persebaran lokasi penelitian mahasiswa Teknik Geodesi Universitas Diponegoro dan sistem jurnal Geodesi berbasis WebGIS. Persebaran penelitian sebanyak 580 lokasi terdiri dari lingkup ruang lingkup kabupaten persebaran penelitian sebanyak 78 lokasi dengan 251 jumlah penelitian, pada kota persebaran penelitian sebanyak 20 lokasi dengan 288 jumlah penelitian, pada perairan persebaran penelitian sebanyak 11 lokasi dengan 16 jumlah penelitian, kedua ruang lingkup provinsi persebaran penelitian sebanyak 8 lokasi dengan 15 jumlah penelitian, ketiga ruang lingkup pulau persebaran penelitian sebanyak 4 lokasi dengan 6 jumlah penelitian dan keempat ruang lingkup nasional terdapat 4 jumlah penelitian. Hasil uji usability didapatkan dengan hasil penilaian efektivitas sebesar 88,40% dan efisiensi sebesar 88,57% dan hasil uji sistem bahwa aplikasi dapat diakses pada Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox dan Internet Explorer.


Kata Kunci : Tugas Akhir, Jurnal, Lokasi penelitian, WebGIS, CartoDB, LPTG, Uji Usability.




Every college student who wants to carry out the final project looking for sources, the study of literature to be studied has an important role in efforts to provide information about research. Providing information about the distribution of research and the research journal system to college students is needed so an application made that can facilitate the search for research references and find out the distribution of the research location. Application distribution of research location Diponegoro University Geodetic Engineering (hereinafter referred to as LPTG which can be accessed at is expected to meet all these needs. This application was created using the Laravel framework, a database using MySQL and CartoDB base maps. The final result of the research is the application distribution of research locations Diponegoro University Geodesy Engineering students and the Geodesy journal system based WebGIS. The distribution of research as many as 580 locations, consist from  scope of the Regency distribution of research as many as 78 locations with 251 number of studies, in the City of the research distribution as many as 20 locations with 288 number of studies, in the waters of the research distribution as many as 11 locations with 16 number of studies, secondly the scope Province of the research distribution as many as 8 locations with 15 the number of studies, third the scope Island of the research distribution as many as 4 locations with 6 the number of studies and fourth National scope there are 4 the number of studies. Usability test obtained with result  88.40% effectiveness, 88.57% efficiency and system test results that applications can be accessed on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

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Keywords: Final Project, Journal, Research Location, WebGIS, CartoDB, LPTG, Usability Test

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