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“Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum” Pembebasan Lahan Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Rel Kereta Api Pekalongan – Semarang Di Kota Pekalongan | S | Journal of Politic and Government Studies skip to main content

“Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum” Pembebasan Lahan Pembangunan Jalur Ganda Rel Kereta Api Pekalongan – Semarang Di Kota Pekalongan

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Steps to fix the railway line in Indonesia started. The plan, traffic lane north of the island
of Javawill be made into a double rail line. The rail track distance is 400 kilometers.
Infrastructure development, the government has a plan to fix the railway line in Indonesia. The
plan, traffic lane north of the island of Java will be made into a double rail line. The rail track
distance is approximately 436 kilometers. Double track railway will be undertaken
The existence of double track railway will quickly push the national economy. Not only
that, the burden of capital in the form of ground transportation vehicle that is felt during this
already saturated, will be helped and can be reduced in the presence of a double track railway.
Project construction of double track railway is expected to require a lot of manpower. In
addition, there will be an increased flow of trucks carrying material on the Northern line of
Java, being up to 800 units per day, especially on a track Cirebon-Surabaya. By working in
unison, the estimated future rail construction is completed in 2013. Expected in 2014, the double
track railway will be operational.
In the implementation of the construction of double track railway line, of course, it takes
quite a bit of land for this purpose, thus a need for cooperation between the Ministry of
Transportation Directorate General of Railways with the Local Government and Land Office to
release land for the construction of double track railway traffic Pekalongan - Semarang
particularly in the area of Pekalongan. As for exercising land acquisition is governed by
Presidential Decree No. 36 of 2005 as amended in Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2006.
Keywords: Land acquisition Double Line Railway, Local Government, Land Acquisition
Committee (P2T), and Output
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