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Analisis Tingkat Keberhasilan Rehabilitasi Rhizophora apiculata di Kawasan Mangrove Manawa, Kabupaten Pohuwato, Gorontalo | Labuga | Journal of Marine Research skip to main content

Analisis Tingkat Keberhasilan Rehabilitasi Rhizophora apiculata di Kawasan Mangrove Manawa, Kabupaten Pohuwato, Gorontalo

*Falerins Labuga  -  Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
Novri Youla Kandowangko orcid scopus  -  Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
Dewi Wahyuni Kyai Baderan orcid scopus  -  Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia

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Manawa merupakan salah satu kawasan di wilayah Kabupaten Pohuwato yang mengalami kerusakan hutan mangrove akibat alih fungsi hutan menjadi lahan tambak dan perkebunan. Rusaknya hutan mangrove berdampak pada berkurangnya berbagai biota laut diantaranya udang, kepiting, dan berbagai jenis ikan. Salah satu upaya perbaikan adalah dengan melakukan rehabilitasi hutan mangrove. Rehabilitasi merupakan salah satu upaya pemulihan ekosistem mangrove pada kondisi semula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan rehabilitasi Rhizophora apiculata, mengukur tingkat pertumbuhan Rhizophora apiculata, dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan Rhizophora apiculata  yang di rehabilitasi di kawasan mangrove Manawa, Kecamatan Patilanggio, Kabupaten Pohuwato, Gorontalo. Analisis keberhasilan mangrove menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, dan faktor lingkungannya menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan rehabilitasi dinilai berhasil. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan persentase keberhasilan hidup Rhizophora apiculata mencapai 79.51%. Tingkat pertumbuhan Rhizophora apiculata baik dari segi tinggi tanaman maupun jumlah daun mengalami pertambahan namun tidak merata pada seluruh plot. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan rehabilitasi mangrove yaitu salinitas dan suhu masih dalam kisaran yang sesuai untuk Rhizophora apiculata. Substrat pada lokasi penelitian didominasi oleh substrat pasir debu. Hama yang ditemukan pada lokasi penelitian tergolong sedang dan didominanasi hama dari kelas Gastropoda.



Manawa, a village in Pohuwato Regency, has suffered damage to its mangrove forest because it was converted into ponds and plantations. A variety of marine biota is reduced when mangrove forests are destroyed, including shrimp, crabs, and a variety of fish species. In the process of improving the ecosystem, one of the improvements is the rehabilitation of mangrove forests. In order to restore the mangrove ecosystem to its original state, rehabilitation is one of the methods. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the success rate of Rhizophora apiculata rehabilitation, measure its growth rate, and determine the factors influencing Rhizophora apiculata rehabilitation in the Manawa Mangrove area, Patilanggio District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo. The success of mangroves was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis, and environmental factors were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Results of the study showed that rehabilitation success rates were higher than expected. This is evidenced by Rhizophora apiculata's survival rate, which reached 79.51%. A higher growth rate in plant height and leaves has been observed in Rhizophora apiculata, but not uniformly across the plots. Salinity and temperature, two factors that affect mangrove rehabilitation, remain within the appropriate range for Rhizophora apiculata. The study site substrate is dominated by sand and dust. The pests at the study site were classified as moderate and the most dominant were found in the Gastropod class because the substrate content was suitable for this type of habitat.

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Keywords: Rehabilitasi; keberhasilan petumbuhan; Mangrove

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