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Sebaran Mikroplastik di Pantai Sepanjang, Kabupaten Gunungkidul | Norindra | Journal of Marine Research skip to main content

Sebaran Mikroplastik di Pantai Sepanjang, Kabupaten Gunungkidul

*Dea Nebraska Norindra  -  Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknologi Sumber Daya Alam, Institut Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Heny Budi Setyorini orcid scopus publons  -  Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknologi Sumber Daya Alam, Institut Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sri Haryanti Prasetiyowati  -  Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknologi Sumber Daya Alam, Institut Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Pantai Sepanjang di Kabupaten Gunungkidul memiliki kegiatan pariwisata yang menyebabkan produksi sampah plastik. Mikroplastik akan berdampak buruk bagi biota, manusia, dan lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui jenis, jumlah dan sebaran mikroplastik di Pantai Sepanjang. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi atau survei lapangan. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive sampling sebanyak 9 titik sampling. Sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan pipa paralon 4inch pada kedalaman 10-15 cm. Tahap pengumpulan data meliputi pengeringan, pemisahan sedimen, pembuatan supernatan, penyaringan dan identifikasi jenis mikroplastik menggunakan mikroskop binokuler dengan perbesaran 10x. Analisis data dilakukan secara statistik dan spasial. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji regresi dan korelasi antara jarak pengambilan sampel dan jumlah mikroplastik. Analisis spasial menggunakan software GIS untuk menghasilkan peta sebaran mikroplastik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 4 jenis mikroplastik di Pantai Sepanjang, antara lain fiber, film, fragmen, dan pelet. Jumlah mikroplastik tertinggi adalah jenis fiber sebanyak 60 partikel/gr di titik C. Hasil analisis regresi dan korelasi tertinggi terdapat pada jenis fragmen dengan nilai R2 = 0,27, yang menunjukkan hubungan antara jarak pengambilan sampel dan jumlah mikroplastik lemah. Hasil analisis spasial menunjukkan bahwa sebaran mikroplastik di Pantai Sepanjang dominan ke arah barat, dan semakin ke arah barat maka jenis mikroplastik semakin beragam.


Sepanjang Beach at Gunungkidul District have tourism activities that led to plastic waste production. The microplastic will be considered harmful to biota, human, and environment. This study aims to identify the various types, numbers and distributions of microplastic at Sepanjang Beach. The method used in the study was a survey method. The research locations were determined by site survey using purposive sampling with 9 sample points. The sediment sample collection was conducted by using the PVC pipes 4inch in depth of 10-15 cm. The data collection step is drying, sediment separation, making of the supernatant, filtration, and identification using a binocular microscope with the 10x zoom. The analysis of data was conducted statistically and spatially. The statistical analysis was done by using the regression and correlation analysis between sampling distance and number of microplastics. The spatial analysis was done by using GIS software to create the map of microplastic distribution. The result showed that 4 types of microplastics at Sepanjang Beach were fiber, films, fragments, and pellets. The highest number of microplastics were fiber with 60 particles/gram in the sampling location of C. The highest of regression and correlation analysis were fragments with the value of R2 = 0,27, that indicated the weak correlation between sampling distance and number of microplastics. The spatial analysis showed that distribution of microplastics at Sepanjang Beach were dominant to the west, and the further to the west area, the type of microplastics were more diverse.

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Keywords: mikroplastik; pencemaran laut; Pantai Sepanjang; sebaran; sedimen

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