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Pengaruh Iklan,Atribut Produk, dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi pada Pembeli dan Pengguna OPPOSmartphone di Kota Semarang)

*Nasha Farahna Sungkar  -  , Indonesia
Agung Budiatmo  -  , Indonesia

How to cite (IEEE): N. F. Sungkar, and A. Budiatmo, "Pengaruh Iklan,Atribut Produk, dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi pada Pembeli dan Pengguna OPPOSmartphone di Kota Semarang)," Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 223-233, Jun. 2016.
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The increasingly fierce competition among the smartphone manufacturers are competing
to launch products with a variety of advantages. One of the products discussed are crowded
smartphone OPPO Smartphone. In the face of tight business competition Smartphone OPPO need
to influence consumers to choose and buy products OPPO Smartphone. Many factors influence
consumers in making a purchase, such as advertising, product attributes, and price.
This study aims to determine the effect of advertising, product attributes, and prices on
product purchasing decisions OPPO Smartphone partially or simultaneously. This type of
research is explanatory research. Primary data used questionnaires distributed to the public
Semarang central mobile phone sales Matahari Mall Semarang who have bought and used the
products OPPO Smartphone as many as 100 people. In the analysis used validity and reliability,
the correlation coefficient, the coefficient of determination, cross tabulations, simple and multiple
regression analysis and significance test (t test and F) with SPSS 21.
The results showed a variable adverstising positive influence on purchasing decisions by
23.1%. Variable product attributes positive influence on purchasing decisions by 17.9%. And
variable price positive influence on purchasing decisions by 23.6%. Through research also found
that the three independent variables simultaneously significant positive effect on purchasing
decisions and are able to explain 46.9% of purchasing decisions.
Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested that OPPO Smartphone
manufacturers maximize advertising concept which will be displayed in order to load the excess
product is clearly and understood by consumers. And to attract more consumers, manufacturers
are expected to innovate on product design to make it look more attractive than other smartphone
brands. Manufacturers are also expected not to take profit too large, so that product prices more
affordable by the consumers' income. Moreover, manufacturers are expected to improve the
quality and specifications of the products to be robust, as the society of this era that requires
sophisticated smartphones.
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Keywords: advertising, product attributes, pricing, purchasing decisions

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