BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JAMT20359, author = {Ajeng Aryani and - Subandiyono and Titik Susilowati}, title = {PEMANFAATAN DAUN TURI (Sesbania grandiflora) YANG DIFERMENTASI DALAM PAKAN BUATAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio)}, journal = {Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Turi; Pakan; Fermentasi; Pertumbuhan; Ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio)}, abstract = { Daun turi cukup potensial sebagai bahan pakan ikan alternatif sumber karbohidrat bagi ikan herbivor maupun omnivor. Daun turi mengandung nutrisi yang cukup baik yaitu protein kasar 31,29%, lemak kasar 7,57%, serat kasar 27,88%, abu 7,34%, serta bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN) 28,02%. Kandungan serat kasar yang tinggi pada daun turi sulit dicerna oleh ikan. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah melalui proses fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan tepung daun turi yang telah difermentasi kedalam pakan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan benih ikan mas ( Cyprinus carpio ). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan mas ( Cyprinus carpio ) dengan bobot individu rata-rata 3,57±0,47 g/ekor. Pemberian pakan pada pukul 08.00 dan 16.00 secara at satiation . Ikan uji dipelihara selama 42 hari dengan padat tebar 1 ekor/L. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan. Perlakuan A, B, C dan D dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 0%, 5%, 10% dan 15%. Data yang diamati meliputi total konsumsi pakan (TKP), efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP), protein efisiensi rasio(PER), laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR), kelulushidupan (SR) dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi tepung daun turi memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) pada TKP serta SR. Perlakuan D memberikan nilai tertinggi pada EPP sebesar 57,61±3,28%, PER sebesar 1,59±0,09% dan RGR sebesar 3,21±0,17%/hari. Parameter kualitas air selama penelitian berada pada kisaran yang layak untuk kehidupan ikan mas ( C. carpio ). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan D untuk semua variabel kecuali TKP dan SR. Turi leaves ( Sesbania grandiflora ) was a potential feed ingredient that could be used as carbohydrate source for herbivorous and omnivorous fish. Turi leaves contained valuable nutrients such as crude protein of 31,29%, crude lipid of 7,57%, crude fiber of 27,88%, ash of 7,34%, and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) of 28, 02%. Sesbania’s crude fiber was difficult to be digested by fish. The solution for that problem was by applying ferment proccesses . This experiment was aimed to study the influence of leave turi flour which has been fermented first before added into practical diets on the growth of carp ( C. carpio ) seeds . The trail fishes used were carp ( C. carpio) seeds with the average body weight of 3,57±0,47 g/fish. Feeding frequency applied was twice a day, i.e. at 08.00 a.m and 16.00 p.m; and by appliying at satiation method. The fishes were cultured for 42 days with the stocking density of 1 fish/l. The experimental method used was completely randomize design (RCD) with 4 treatments and 3 replicates. The treatment of A, B, C, and D were the trial diets with the concentration of turi leave flour of 0, 5, 10 and 15%, respectively. The measured data included feed consumption rate (FCR), feed efficiency (FE), protein efficiency ratio (PER), relative growth rate (RGR), survival rate (SR), and water quality parameters. The data showed that the used of fermented turi leaves into the diets resulted on significantly effects (P<0,05) on the FE, PER, and RGR values, but not for feed consumption rate (RGR) and SR values. Treatment D resulted on the values of FE i.e. 57.61±3.28%, PER i.e. 1.59±0.09% and RGR i.e. 3.21±0.17%/day. The water quality parameters during this study were varied among suitable range the fish life. It was can be concluded that treatment D resulted on the highest values for the all measured variables, except for feed consumption rate (FCR) and SR. }, pages = {1--9} url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Daun turi cukup potensial sebagai bahan pakan ikan alternatif sumber karbohidrat bagi ikan herbivor maupun omnivor. Daun turi mengandung nutrisi yang cukup baik yaitu protein kasar 31,29%, lemak kasar 7,57%, serat kasar 27,88%, abu 7,34%, serta bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN) 28,02%. Kandungan serat kasar yang tinggi pada daun turi sulit dicerna oleh ikan. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah melalui proses fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan tepung daun turi yang telah difermentasi kedalam pakan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan benih ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) dengan bobot individu rata-rata 3,57±0,47 g/ekor. Pemberian pakan pada pukul 08.00 dan 16.00 secara at satiation. Ikan uji dipelihara selama 42 hari dengan padat tebar 1 ekor/L. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan. Perlakuan A, B, C dan D dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 0%, 5%, 10% dan 15%. Data yang diamati meliputi total konsumsi pakan (TKP), efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP), protein efisiensi rasio(PER), laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR), kelulushidupan (SR) dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi tepung daun turi memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) pada TKP serta SR. Perlakuan D memberikan nilai tertinggi pada EPP sebesar 57,61±3,28%, PER sebesar 1,59±0,09% dan RGR sebesar 3,21±0,17%/hari. Parameter kualitas air selama penelitian berada pada kisaran yang layak untuk kehidupan ikan mas (C. carpio). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan D untuk semua variabel kecuali TKP dan SR.
Turi leaves (Sesbania grandiflora) was a potential feed ingredient that could be used as carbohydrate source for herbivorous and omnivorous fish. Turi leaves contained valuable nutrients such as crude protein of 31,29%, crude lipid of 7,57%, crude fiber of 27,88%, ash of 7,34%, and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) of 28, 02%. Sesbania’s crude fiber was difficult to be digested by fish. The solution for that problem was by applying ferment proccesses. This experiment was aimed to study the influence of leave turi flour which has been fermented first before added into practical diets on the growth of carp (C. carpio) seeds. The trail fishes used were carp (C. carpio) seeds with the average body weight of 3,57±0,47 g/fish. Feeding frequency applied was twice a day, i.e. at 08.00 a.m and 16.00 p.m; and by appliying at satiation method. The fishes were cultured for 42 days with the stocking density of 1 fish/l. The experimental method used was completely randomize design (RCD) with 4 treatments and 3 replicates. The treatment of A, B, C, and D were the trial diets with the concentration of turi leave flour of 0, 5, 10 and 15%, respectively. The measured data included feed consumption rate (FCR), feed efficiency (FE), protein efficiency ratio (PER), relative growth rate (RGR), survival rate (SR), and water quality parameters. The data showed that the used of fermented turi leaves into the diets resulted on significantly effects (P<0,05) on the FE, PER, and RGR values, but not for feed consumption rate (RGR) and SR values. Treatment D resulted on the values of FE i.e. 57.61±3.28%, PER i.e. 1.59±0.09% and RGR i.e. 3.21±0.17%/day. The water quality parameters during this study were varied among suitable range the fish life. It was can be concluded that treatment D resulted on the highest values for the all measured variables, except for feed consumption rate (FCR) and SR.
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