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The Use of Instagram @Sotobangkongpakubuwono for Branding

*Muhammad Rifqi Satrio Hadi Wibowo  -  Prodi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi, Indonesia
Agus Naryoso  -  Prodi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi, Indonesia

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This research aimed to identify Analyze the use of social media Instagram @sotobangkongpakubuwono for building brand awareness (brand loyalty). This research was conducted at Soto Bangkong Pakubuwono Restaurant, Jakarta, where this restaurant has implemented online promotions since 2018 via Instagram @sotobangkongpakubuwono. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Researchers used new media theory guidelines in conducting research and the results of the research were the use of Instagram media. In this research, the researcher used 1 key informant, namely the owner of Soto Bangkong Pakubuwono Restaurant, Jakarta, 1 main informant, namely the employee/admin who manages Instagram @sotobangkongpakubuwono, and 3 supporting informants, namely Soto Bangkong Pakubuwono customers. The results of this research concluded that the use of Instagram by @SotoBangkongPakubuwono is highly effective in building brand awareness and recognition among its audience. The majority of respondents showed strong engagement with the content, indicating that Soto Bangkong has successfully created an emotional connection with its customers and built a reputation for quality. However, there is room for further strengthening the emotional bond with some audience members who have not yet fully engaged. Additionally, diversifying the content will help expand the brand’s reach and involvement with a broader audience. Overall, Instagram has proven to be a powerful tool for raising Soto Bangkong Pakubuwono’s brand awareness.
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Keywords: Instagram, New Media, Branding, Brand awareness

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