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Evaluasi Kelelahan Kerja dan Pemberian Waktu Istirahat di Bagian Jahit Lini 11 PT. Star Fashion Ungaran

*Sarsa Surya Rizkita  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Sriyanto Sriyanto  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Ary Arvianto  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Kelelahan kerja merupakan kondisi yang dapat menurunkan performansi. Kelelahan kerja disebabkan karena adanya beban kerja berlebih ataupun keluhan musculoskeletal disorder. Di PT. Star Fashion Ungaran pada tahun 2014 rata – rata hasil produksi bersih hanya sekitar 61.7% dengan rata – rata cacat pada line 11 perharinya 15,53%. Jenis pekerjaan repetitif dan postur tubuh membungkuk serta jam kerja berlebih, memicu timbulnya kelelahan kerja. Upaya untuk menurunkan kelelahan kerja operator secara subjektif dan objektif akan dilakukan dengan memberikan tambahan jam istirahat serta melihat pengaruhnya terhadap produktivitas.

Berdasarkan hasil skor kuesioner Subjective Self Rating Test (SSRT) kepada operator bagian jahit lini 11, terbukti terdapat kelelahan kerja yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja operator. Dengan design eksperimen within-subject experiments, dilakukan intervensi ergonomi yaitu perbaikan sistem kerja dengan memberikan penambahan waktu istirahat pendek selama 5 menit pada jam 08.30 dan 10.30 Pengambilan data pada 8 responden meliputi penyebaran kuesioner SSRT, pengambilan data denyut jantung kerja menggunakan heart rate monitor dan hasil produksi. Dari hasil eksperimen pemberian istirahat pendek, terjadi penurunan skor kuesioner SSRT pada kategori kelelahan fisik sebesar 10.8%. Rata – rata denyut jantung kerja menurun sekitar 1.76% dan hasil produksi 8 responden meningkat dengan rata – rata sebesar 14.97%.




Fatigue is a condition that can degrade the performance of working. Work fatigue caused by the excessive workload or musculoskeletal disorder problem. In PT. Star Fashion Ungaran, in 2014 the average of good production level is only about 61.7% with the average of defect on line 11 per day 15.53%. Repetitive work type and posture bending and excessive working hours, this trigger the onset of fatigue. Efforts will be taken to reduce operator fatigue both subjectively and objectively by providing additional hours of short rest breaks and sees the effect on productivity.

Based on the results of the questionnaire scores Subjective Rating Self Test (SSRT) to the operator section 11 sewing lines, it is proven that there is fatigue that can affect the performance of operators with a dominant fatigue is physical fatigue. Ergonomics intervention is done that is repairing work system by providing additional short break time for 5 minutes at 08.30 and 10.30. Collecting data on 8 samples include questionnaires SSRT, working heart rate using a heart rate monitor and production output. From the result of implementing additional hours of short breaks, a decline occurs in scores on the questionnaire SSRT of physical exhaustion category at 10.8%. an average of heart rate of work decreased approximately 1.76% and production level of 8 samples increases with an average of 14.97%.

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Keywords: Intervensi Ergonomi ; Kelelahan Kerja; Waktu Istirahat

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