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*Belan Adison  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Ratna Purwaningsih  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini membawa banyak perubahan dalam gaya hidup, yang paling terlihat adalah kecenderungan beraktivitas di dunia maya melalui internet. Salah satu aktivitas yang paling sering diakses adalah online shop. Kemudahan layanan yang ditawarkan produsen melalui belanja online membuat cara ini semakin diminati banyak pengguna internet. Berdasarkan survey Markplus Insight 2013, jumlah netizen yang biasa berbelanja online tahun 2013 mencapai 20%, angka ini lebih besar dibanding tahun sebelumnya yang hanya 15%. Namun tetap saja presentase 20% peminat belanja online masih dianggap sedikit, pasalnya sesuai data Markplus Insight bahwa ada 70 juta pengguna internet di Indonesia. Dengan presentase yang masih sedikit peneliti ingin mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi minat konsumen dalam belanja online. Dengan menggunakan path analysis peneliti mendapatkan hasil yang mempengaruhi minat konsumen dalam belanja online antara lain variabel perceived concentration, variabel perceived enjoyment, dan variabel perceived ease of use.



Nowadays, Development of technology brings so many changes in life styles, it is shown by the tendency of having activity in illusory world through internet. One of the activities which very often to be accessed is online shop. Amenity of services that is offered by producer through online shopping makes it preferably done by many internet users. Based on Markplus Insight 2013 survey, the number of netizens who do online shopping in the year of 2013 reached 20%, this is a bigger number compared to the year before which was only 15%. But still, the 20% percentage of online shopping is considered a few, because according to Markplus Insight data, there are 70 million internet users in Indonesia. With that small percentage of online shopping, researchers wish to identify any kind of factors influencing consumers intention in online shopping. By using path analysis, researcher gets the results, for example perceived concentration variable, perceived enjoyment variable, and perceived ease of use variable.

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Keywords: Minat Konsumen; Online Shop; Path Analysis

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