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*Debora Agustina  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Darminto Pujotomo  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Diana Puspitasari  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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PT.XYZ  adalah perusahaan manufaktur baja di Indonesia.  Pada data penjualan baja kelas I tahun 2012 terdapat pola pembelian customer yang unik. Artinya, frekuensi pembelian customer berbanding terbalik dengan profit yang didapatkan perusahaan. Sehingga pada tahun 2012, perusahaan mengalami laba atas negatif yang bernilai negatif, yaitu 0.82%. Oleh sebab itu, perusahaan perlu mengetahui customer yang memiliki potensi dalam meningkatkan profit perusahaan dan menjaga hubungan dengan customer tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Hierarchical K-Means berdasarkan recency, frekuensi, dan profit. Dari hasil penelitian, terdapat 102 pelanggan yang termasuk kelas  profitable dan 61 pelanggan yang termasuk less profitable /unprofitable customer. Yang termasuk dalam kelas profitable customer ada 8 sektor, yaitu  sektor manufaktur besi baja, industri kapal, otomotif, pipa, alat berat, oil&gas, konstruksi, dan distributor baja. Setelah segmentasi tersebut dilakukan pengembangan strategi untuk menjaga hubungan dengan profitable customer berdasarkan program customer relationship management-Parvatiyar dan Sheath karena 102 dari 163 pelanggan perusahaan memiliki pengaruh 95.16% terhadap keuntungan perusahaan. Strategi dalam menjaga hubungan dengan profitable customer adalah continous replenishment program (CRP) dan ECR strategy, single sourcing, customer business development, key account management, logistic partnering, join marketing, co-design, co-development dan co-marketing.




            PT.XYZ  was steel manufacturing company.  Based on sales data of first-class steel products in 2012, there was a unique purchasing pattern of customer that inverse pattern between frequency and profitability. In the result, the company had negative value of Return on Assets (ROA) which is 0.82%. So, the company should determine and maintan customer who given big potential in order to increase profitability company. This study used Hierarchical K-Means method based on recency, frequency, dan profit. Based on the result,there was 102 customers in class of profitable customer dan 61 customers in class of less profitable /unprofitable customer. One hundred and two profitable customers were eight fields which is steel manufacture, ship industry,vehichle industry, pipe industry, alat berat, oil&gas industry, construction industry, dan steel distributor. After customer segmentation, the study was developed the strategy to manage profitable customer based on Customer Relationship Management’s Program by Parvatiyar dan Sheath because 102  of  163 customers given impact as 95.16 % for company profitability. The strategies were continous replenishment program (CRP) and ECR strategy, single sourcing, customer business development, key account management, logistic partnering, join marketing, co-design, co-development dan co-marketing.
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Keywords: Segmentasi Pelanggan; Recency; Frekuensi; Profitabilitas; Customer Relationship Management

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