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*Meilinia Putri Adillia  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia
Zainal Fanani Rosyada  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia

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Persaingan dalam industri saat ini tidak hanya berfokus pada harga, tetapi juga melibatkan aspek
kualitas produk. Hal ini membuat persaingan antar perusahaan semakin ketat. PT XYZ, menghadapi
masalah di departemen finishing, terutama terkait efektivitas mesin Stenter yang memiliki nilai yang
lebih rendah dari target yang ditetapkan. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh kinerja mesin yang tidak
maksimal dan sering mengalami downtime. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian dan analisis
menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas
penggunaan fasilitas, khususnya mesin Stenter. Analisis ini akan memecah efektivitas menjadi tiga
faktor utama: Availibility, Perfomance Rate, dan Quality Rate, berdasarkan mesin yang digunakan.
Berdasarkan hasil yang telah diuji didapatkan nilai Availibility Rate sebesar 95%, Performance Rate
sebesar 75% dan Quality Rate sebesar 97%. Sehingga nilai OEE selama bulan Oktober sampai
Desember sebesar 69%. Dari permasalahan tersebut, didapatkan rekomendasi perbaikan dengan
menggunakan diagram sebab-akibat untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab masalah dan memberikan solusi
yang tepat.

Kata Kunci: OEE, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Availability, Performance, Quality, Stenter


Competition in the industry today is not only focused on price, but also involves the aspect of product
quality. This has intensified the competition among companies. PT. XYZ is facing issues in the finishing
department, particularly regarding the effectiveness of the Stenter machine, which has fallen below the
set target. This decrease is attributed to suboptimal machine performance and frequent downtime.
Therefore, a research and analysis using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method is
conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of facility utilization, specifically the Stenter machine. This
analysis will break down effectiveness into three main factors: Availability, Performance Rate, and
Quality Rate, based on the machine used. Based on the tested results, the Availibility Rate is found to
be 95%, Performance Rate is 75%, and Quality Rate is 97%. Thus, the OEE value for the period from
October to December is 69%. From these issues, recommendations for improvement are identified using
a cause-and-effect diagram to identify the root causes and provide appropriate solutions.

Keywords: OEE, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Availability, Performance, Quality, Stenter

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Keywords: OEE, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Availability, Performance, Quality, Stenter

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