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*Prio Aji Reynaldi  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia
Nia Budi Puspitasari  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

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PT. Nusa Toyotetsu Corporation Plant 2 (NTC) menggunakan sistem produksi Just in Time (JIT) untuk
menekan jumlah persediaan bahan baku, Work in Process (WIP), dan stok produk jadi. Produk Rocker
Panel Fortuner dan Rocker Panel Innova memiliki permintaan tinggi dan dalam prosesnya berpotensi
menimbulkan waiting time atau idle time. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan
produksi stasiun kerja yang diamati dalam memenuhi permintaan bulan Februari-Mei 2022 serta
mengetahui waiting time atau idle time. Masukan yang utama untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut
adalah Standard Time dan metode yang digunakan adalah Stopwatch Time Study. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa permintaan Februari-Mei 2022 dapat dipenuhi. Diketahui idle time pada Rocker
Panel Fortuner dan Innova beruturut turut adalah 1,3 s dan 9,76 s.
Kata Kunci : Just in Time (JIT), Standard Time, Waiting Time, Idle Time, Kapasitas Produksi, Time
Study, PT. Nusa Toyotetsu Corp., Elemen Kerja

PT. Nusa Toyotetsu Corporation Plant 2 (NTC) uses the Just in Time (JIT) production system to reduce
the amount of raw material inventory, Work in Process (WIP), and finished product stock. The Rocker
Panel Fortuner and Rocker Panel Innova has high demand and in the process has the potential to cause
waiting time or idle time. This study aims to determine the production capability of the observed work
stations in meeting the demand for February-May 2022 and to determine the waiting time or idle time.
The main input to solve this problem is Standard Time and the method used is Stopwatch Time Study.
The results of the study show that the demand for February-May 2022 can be fulfilled. It is known that
the idle time on Rocker Panel Fortuner and Innova is 1.3 s and 9.76 s.
Keywords : Just in Time (JIT), Standard Time, Waiting Time, Idle Time, Production Capacity, Time
Study, PT. Nusa Toyotetsu Corp., Work Element

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Keywords: Time Study, PT. Nusa Toyotetsu Corp., Work Element

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