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Pengukuran Kinerja Karyawan PT Ebako Nusantara dengan Pendekatan Human Resources Scorecard Universitas Diponegoro

*Aditya Sulitianto  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia

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PT Ebako Nusantara merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang high-end furniture manufacturing yang menghasilkan produk utama berupa fine furniture. PT Ebako Nusantara memiliki permasalahan dimana belum terdapatnya sistem pengukuran kinerja yang mendukung peran SDM terhadap strategi perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi KPI (Key performance indicator) terpilih yang dapat menunjang peningkatan kinerja karyawan terhadap strategi perusahaan dengan menggunakan rancangan HR Scorecard, serta menghitung bobot masing-masing KPI dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan mengukur nilai pencapaian kinerja dengan metode Scoring System dan evaluasi hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan Traffic Light System. Perancangan pengukuran kinerja dengan kerangka Human Resources Scorecard menghasilkan 13 KPI yang dapat menunjang peningkatan nilai kinerja karyawan terhadap strategi perusahaan, yaitu 4 KPI dari perspektif High Performance Work System, 3 KPI HR System Alignment, 3 KPI HR Efficiency, dan 3 KPI HR Deliverable. Dari hasil pengukuran kinerja PT Ebako Nusantara berada pada level hijau dengan hasil kinerja sebesar 82,70% atau sudah baik. Namun, masih terdapat 2 KPI yang berada pada level merah, yaitu tingkat beban kerja karyawan dan jumlah keluhan pelanggan. Maka, perusahaan harus melakukan perbaikan segera pada kedua KPI tersebut agar dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan terhadap strategi perusahaan.

Kata Kunci: human resources scorecard; key performance indicator; pengukuran kinerja; analytical hierarchy process; scoring system dan traffic light system.


PT Ebako Nusantara is a company engaged in high-end furniture manufacturing which produces the main product in the form of high-quality furniture. PT Ebako Nusantara has a problem where there is a performance measurement system that does not yet support HR towards company strategy. The purpose of this study is to identify selected KPIs (Key performance indicators) that can improve the performance improvement of strategic employees towards the company by using the HR Scorecard design, as well as calculating the weight of each KPI using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method and measuring the value of performance appraisal using the Scoring System method and evaluation of performance measurement results with the Traffic Light System. The design of performance measurement with the Human Resources Scorecard framework produces 13 KPIs that can increase the value of employee performance against company strategy, namely 4 KPIs from the perspective of High Performance Work System, 3 KPIs for HR System Alignment, 3 KPIs for HR Efficiency, and 3 KPIs for HR Deliverable. From the results of the measurement of the performance of PT Ebako Nusantara is at the green level with the performance results of 82.70% or already good. However, there are still 2 KPIs that are at the red level, namely the level of employee workload and customer complaints. So, the company must make immediate improvements to the two KPIs in order to improve employee performance against company strategy.

Keywords: human resources scorecard; Key performance indicators; performance measurement; analytical hierarchical processes; scoring system and traffic light system.

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Keywords: human resources scorecard; Key performance indicators; performance measurement; analytical hierarchical processes; scoring system and traffic light system.

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