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*Dinda Ayu Sekarini  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro,, Indonesia

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Abstrak Salah satu proses produksi pada PT. Konimex adalah produksi Produk X yang berlokasi pada bagain Produksi Pharma I. Proses produksi produk X PT. Konimex ditemukan penurunan efektivitas pada mesin multi counting line. Maka dari itu diperlukan pengukuran nilai six big losses untuk mengetahui losses yang mengakibatkan pernurunan efektivitas pada mesin multi counting line. Pengukuran six big losses ini diawali dengan melakukan pengukuran OLE (Overall Line Effectiveness) untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi penurunan efektivitas pada suatu mesin atau tidak. Dari hasil perhitungan six big losses didapatkan bahwa reduced speed losses menjadi faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi penurunan efektivitas mesin multi counting line, yaitu sebesar 50,4%. Dengan menggunakan metode root cause tree analysis diketahui bahwa terdapat dua faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya reduced speed loss, yaitu berhenti yang tidak tercatat dan pengaturan kecepatan mesin yang tidak sesuai standar operasi. Dua faktor tersebut dapat terjadi karena bahan baku produk X berupa soft capsule lengket selama proses produksi. Saran perbaikan yang diusulkan adalah menerapkan autonomous maintenance, yaitu melakukan perbaikan dan pemeliharaan secara mandiri oleh operator mesin. Pada kasus ini, operator perlu diberikan pencerdasan terkait sistem heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) terutama perbaikan dan pemeliharaan exhaust fan.Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan exhaust fan lebih diutamakan karena exhaust fan merupakan bagian dari sistem HVAC yang secara langsung mempengaruhi suhu ruang produksi. Kata kunci: overall line effectivness, six big losses, root cause tree analysis Abstract One of the production processes at PT. Konimex is the production of Product X which is located at Pharma Production I. In this production process there was a decrease in the effectiveness of multi counting line machines. Therefore it is necessary to measure the value of the six big losses to find out the losses that result in a decrease in the effectiveness of the multi counting line machine. Measurement of six big losses begins with measuring OLE (Overall Line Effectiveness) to find out whether there is a decrease in effectiveness on a machine or not. From the results of the calculation of the six big losses, it was found that reduced speed losses became the biggest factor affecting the decrease in the effectiveness of multi counting line machines, which was equal to 50.4%. By using the root cause tree analysis method, it is known that two factors influence the occurrence of reduced speed loss, namely unrecorded stops and engine speed settings that do not match operating standards. These two factors can occur because the product X raw material is a sticky soft capsule during the production process. The suggested improvement is to implement autonomous maintenance, which is to make repairs and maintenance independently by the machine operator. In this case, operators need to be given intelligence related to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, especially the repair and maintenance of exhaust fans. Repair and maintenance of exhaust fans are preferred because the exhaust fan is part of the HVAC system which directly affects the temperature of the production room. Keywords: overall line effectivness, six big losses, root cause tree analysis
Keywords: overall line effectivness, six big losses, root cause tree analysis

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