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*Deya Nilan Amyhorsea  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri, Indonesia
Darminto Pujotomo  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri, Indonesia

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PT. AOI memiliki beberapa departemen dalam melakukan usaha industri, yaitu departemen warehouse fabric and accesoris, cutting, distribusi, sewing, dan warehouse finish goods. Pada departemen distribusi terjadi permasalahan tata letak yang tidak teratur sehingga mempersulit proses pencarian dan pengambilan boks kontainer yang disimpan serta kapasitas yang masih dinilai kurang. Selain itu juga flow pada area proses di departemen distribusi dinilai masih rumit. Departemen distribusi ini berfungsi sebagai warehouse produk work in process dari departemen cutting ke departemen sewing. Pada penelitian ini, pengaturan ulang tata letak menggunakan metode randomized storage dan class-based storage serta pertimbangan alokasi area lain yang disesuaikan. Dengan rancangan tata letak usulan, diperoleh penambahan kapasitas menjadi sebanyak 430 area boks kontainer, sistem pencarian yang lebih mudah karena produk work in process telah dikelompokkan menjadi produk yang membutuhkan proses bobok dan yang tidak membutuhkan proses bobok. Kemudian, flow pada masing-masing proses yang ada di departemen distribusi lebih sederhana yaitu dengan parameter jarak yang lebih pendek dibanding yang ada pada tata letak awal.




PT. AOI has several departments in conducting industrial enterprises, namely the warehouse department fabric and accesoris, cutting, distribution, sewing, and finished goods warehouse. At the department distribution problems occur irregular layout so that complicates the process of search and retrieval of the stored container box and capacity are still considered less. It is also in the process flow in the area is still considered a complex distribution department. Distribution departments function as warehouse products work in process of cutting department to the sewing department. In this study, rearranging the layout using randomized storage and class-based storage as well as consideration of the adjusted allocation of other areas. By design the layout of the proposal, obtained by adding capacity to as many as 430 container box area, the search system is easier because the products work in process has been grouped into a product that requires a process that does not require welding pocket and need welding pocket process. Then, the flow of each process in a more simple distribution department, namely the parameters a shorter distance than that of the initial layout.

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Keywords: tata letak; randomized storage; class-based storage; perbaikan

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