BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IEOJ13090, author = {Muhammad Anshori and Susatyo W.P}, title = {ANALISIS PERSEPSI CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY MAHASISWA DALAM PERILAKU PRO LINGKUNGAN DILINGKUNGAN KAMPUS DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE FTA (FAULT TREE ANALYSIS) (Studi Kasus : Perbandingan Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro dan Universitas Negeri Semarang)}, journal = {Industrial Engineering Online Journal}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Campus Sustainability; Fault Tree Analysis (FTA); Root Cause Analysis (RCA)}, abstract = { Perguruan tinggi saat ini sudah menjadikan konsep kampus hijau sebagai tujuan utama sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang berwawasan lingkungan serta memiliki peran penting dalam melindungi lingkungan di masa depan. Di Indonesia khususnya dikota Semarang, terdapat 2 (dua) universitas negeri yang masuk dalam program UI Green Metric ini, yaitu Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) dan Universitas Negri Semarang (UNNES).Permasalahan yang dimaksud di sini adalah dikarenakan ranking UNNES di UI Green Metric di tahun 2014 lebih baik dibandingkan peringkat UNDIP apakah memang mengindikasikan mahasiswa di UNNES lebih memiliki persepsi tentang pengetahuan dan komitmen yang tinggi terhadap campus sustainability dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa di UNDIP. Apabila memang benar, berarti memang terdapat korelasi antara pengetahuan dan komitmen mahasiswa terhadap visi pihak kampus menuju campus sustainability, ataukah memang terjadi kesenjangan antara pengetahuan dan komitmen untuk melakukan kegiatan pro-lingkungan kedua universitas tersebut. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan persepsi yang signifikan tentang persepsicampus sustainability antara mahasiswa UNDIP dan UNNES adalahdengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 165 mahasiswa UNDIP dan 165 mahasiswa UNNES. Hasil survey menyimpulkan bahwa persepsi tentang campus sustainability mahasiswa UNDIP memang masih dibawah UNNES. Untuk mengidentifikasi memahami akar penyebab masalahrendahnya minat dan pengetahuan mahasiswa terhadap campus sustainabilitydi UNDIP dibutuhkan tool problem solvingyaitu dengan menggunakan metode Root Cause Analysis (RCA) dengan teknik Fault Tree Anlysis. Abstract Analysis Of The College Students Perception Of Campus Sustainability In Pro Environmental Practices At Campus Environtment Using FTA Method, now current college campus has made the concept of green as a primary purpose as an educational institution with environmental concept and has an important role in protecting the environment in the future. In Indonesia, especially in the city of Semarang, there are two (2) state universities were included in the program's UI Green Metric, that is University of Diponegoro (Diponegoro University) and the State University of Semarang (UNNES). The problem here is because the ranking UNNES in UI Green Metric in 2014 better than the ratings UNDIP whether it indicates more students in UNNEShave a better own perception of knowledge and commitment to campus sustainability compared with students in UNDIP. If it is true, then indeed there is a correlation between students' knowledge and commitment to the vision of the campus to campus sustainability, or there is a gap between knowledge and commitment to pro-environmental activities of the two universities. To find significant differences in perceptions about campus sustainability perception between students and UNNES and UNDIP is by distributing questionnaires to 165 studentsUNDIP and 165 students UNNES. The survey results conclude that perceptions of campus sustainability UNDIP students is still under UNNES. To identify the root cause of a problem understanding the low interest and knowledge of students on campus sustainability in UNDIP required problem solving tool that is using Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with Fault Tree anlysis techniques }, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Perguruan tinggi saat ini sudah menjadikan konsep kampus hijau sebagai tujuan utama sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang berwawasan lingkungan serta memiliki peran penting dalam melindungi lingkungan di masa depan. Di Indonesia khususnya dikota Semarang, terdapat 2 (dua) universitas negeri yang masuk dalam program UI Green Metric ini, yaitu Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) dan Universitas Negri Semarang (UNNES).Permasalahan yang dimaksud di sini adalah dikarenakan ranking UNNES di UI Green Metric di tahun 2014 lebih baik dibandingkan peringkat UNDIP apakah memang mengindikasikan mahasiswa di UNNES lebih memiliki persepsi tentang pengetahuan dan komitmen yang tinggi terhadap campus sustainability dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa di UNDIP. Apabila memang benar, berarti memang terdapat korelasi antara pengetahuan dan komitmen mahasiswa terhadap visi pihak kampus menuju campus sustainability, ataukah memang terjadi kesenjangan antara pengetahuan dan komitmen untuk melakukan kegiatan pro-lingkungan kedua universitas tersebut. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan persepsi yang signifikan tentang persepsicampus sustainability antara mahasiswa UNDIP dan UNNES adalahdengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 165 mahasiswa UNDIP dan 165 mahasiswa UNNES. Hasil survey menyimpulkan bahwa persepsi tentang campus sustainability mahasiswa UNDIP memang masih dibawah UNNES. Untuk mengidentifikasi memahami akar penyebab masalahrendahnya minat dan pengetahuan mahasiswa terhadap campus sustainabilitydi UNDIP dibutuhkan tool problem solvingyaitu dengan menggunakan metode Root Cause Analysis (RCA) dengan teknik Fault Tree Anlysis.
Analysis Of The College Students Perception Of Campus Sustainability In Pro Environmental Practices At Campus Environtment Using FTA Method, now current college campus has made the concept of green as a primary purpose as an educational institution with environmental concept and has an important role in protecting the environment in the future. In Indonesia, especially in the city of Semarang, there are two (2) state universities were included in the program's UI Green Metric, that is University of Diponegoro (Diponegoro University) and the State University of Semarang (UNNES). The problem here is because the ranking UNNES in UI Green Metric in 2014 better than the ratings UNDIP whether it indicates more students in UNNEShave a better own perception of knowledge and commitment to campus sustainability compared with students in UNDIP. If it is true, then indeed there is a correlation between students' knowledge and commitment to the vision of the campus to campus sustainability, or there is a gap between knowledge and commitment to pro-environmental activities of the two universities. To find significant differences in perceptions about campus sustainability perception between students and UNNES and UNDIP is by distributing questionnaires to 165 studentsUNDIP and 165 students UNNES. The survey results conclude that perceptions of campus sustainability UNDIP students is still under UNNES. To identify the root cause of a problem understanding the low interest and knowledge of students on campus sustainability in UNDIP required problem solving tool that is using Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with Fault Tree anlysis techniques
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